After the job

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Its been a week since i seen Erza and since she mouthed that she loved me! I wish she would just admit she kissed me and then we would be fine.

The guild doors crashed open as Jellal walked into the guild carrying Erza bridal style, she looked hurt. He placed her on a table and people rushed over. I quickly ran to Erza picked her up and took her to the medic room and gentally put her on the bed. "JELLAL!" I walk over to him with my eyes red and clenched fists. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!". Jellal took a step back with sweat dripping from his face. "I-i found her like that! She was on the floor passed out i didnt know what to do so i brought her here!" He nervously gulped, "Get out of my sight! I need Wendy!" Mira shouted Wendy and she soon rushed over,  Mira explained the problem and told her to heal Erza, she ran to the medic room and started healing her.
2 days pasted and Erza was still out cold...
Mirajane stood by her bed waiting for her to wake.
"Hey you..."
Mira's eyes widened as she seen Erza smiling at her,
"You're alive!" Mira smiled and looked down. "Dont do that again Erza i thought i lost you"
Erza sits up and looks at Mira,
"Im sorry.. i worried you.. and everyone i shouldnt of done it.."
Mira feels herself starting to tear up.
"You mouthed "i love you" before you left the guild.. im not sure i heard that right but i know you kissed me a d stole my keys 3 weeks ago so tell me, do you like me?"
Erza blushed heavily and avoided eye contact with Mira.
"Yes i meant it, i love you Mira and im sorry i didnt tell you sooner i was just scared as you dont seem to like me like that and i thought if.. i kissed you then you might feel something for me. But i was wrong as you hate-"
Erza was silenced as Mira pressed her lips against hers,
They kissed for a while melting into the kiss and kissing a little deeper.
Mira pulled away "I dont hate you.. i love you.. i always have ever since we was kids and used to fight i felt like i could trust you.. and now you're so beautiful and im shocked that you like me"
Erza giggled at how much she overthinking Mira's feelings " you shouldnt be shocked, you are Fairy Tail's pin up model, you're perfect! How could i not like you.." they both blush and Erza grabs pulls Mira's dress, pulling her close and kisses her again.
"Then can we go out? Like girlfriends.."
"I'd love too" Mira smiled and hugged Erza.
"Now rest".

Kiss Me Again (ErzaJane)Where stories live. Discover now