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Nathan walked across the tarmac, the wind kicked up from the HoloJet's engines flapping his coat tails.

"He nearly killed his doctor when he told him he had to stay in bed for a few more days." The voice in his bluetooth earpiece told him. "As soon as he got back on his feet, Jakkar ordered us to get in touch with our contacts in the Sixth Kingdom, and-"

"Don't bother. I called an old friend who lives in an old fishing town on the border of the Seventh Kingdom. It's one of the only ways to get into the Kingdom without using the Holotrams, and he said he saw a young man and a girl matching Circe's description pass through just a few hours ago."

The young mercenary on the line stammered. "T-that's not much to go-"

"It's enough." Nathan said, stopping next to the open door of the aircraft, looking up at the orange afternoon sky. "I don't know this Smuggler's final destination, but he needs help to get there. That's why he's heading to El Refugio de Piedra."

"How do you know he's heading there, sir?"

"There's a vigilante that resides there. She calls herself The Blind Avenger, and exhibits similar fighting patterns to the Smuggler. It's a long shot, but that is why I am heading there to talk with the King of the Seventh Kingdom, to offer help to bring her in. That will give my task force jurisdiction there, and hopefully the opportunity to capture this Jason Landing."

Nathan tapped his device, ending the call, and sighed. He slowly walked to the edge of the landing pad and gazed across his marble kingdom spread below. The orange-yellow light from the setting sun reflected off the white stone buildings, as if it was all on fire.

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