Bonus Chapter

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Bonus Chapter- A letter to Scarlet, written by a prisoner in a hotel room...

Dear Scarlet,

I guess it's a bit of an understatement to say I messed up a bit. A lot a bit. Is that proper English? I'm not entirely sure anymore, my brain is cluttered and jumbled and foggy. Maybe it's the lack of food or water. Maybe it's the fact that his face is the only thing running through my head.

That was my real mistake, Scarlet. Trusting him. And yes it was my mistake, even if they'd planned it from the beginning. Because I had been trained all my life to avoid contact and trust, but one look from him and I was hopping onto a train following him to goodness knows where.

I'm complaining aren't I?

I'm sorry. I've probably made you worried sick and the letter isn't helping. But we both know this won't get to you anyway, so...

How is it that someone who gave you so much hope, so much life and new experiences, could be the one to take it away in under a week?

I fell for the bad guy.


Cress Le Courtier fell for a bad guy with a smirk.

At least he was a great kisser though, right?

What in all that is holy am I saying?! Now I'm glad this letter isn't getting to you.

I'm going to pretend this is a diary entry now, because if there's one thing I'm talented at, it's pretending.

Dear Diary,

I could write about the way his lips felt against mine, or how safe I felt whenever I was around him. I could talk about the fascination I felt with everything I learned the more time I spent with him, or the world he showed me. The home I found thanks to him, or the feeling of belonging.

But I don't want to talk about that.

Stars above. It hurts, Scarlet. Wait sorry, Diary.

Anyways, I hurt. I feel like a little girl just discovering her beau doesn't like her back.

Then again, isn't that exactly what I am? A little kid who's too naive to see the man in front of her is dangerous?!

Is this normal? To feel so much hurt for someone who doesn't even care?

Is it normal to feel a little worthless, even though you didn't do anything wrong?

They're going to come back soon from dinner, hopefully with some rolls or water. There's an open floorboard next to me. I pried it back before I wrote this so I could hide it. Even if they do find it, I'm safe.

I may be naive but I'm not stupid. Wonder why I wrote this to you, Scarlet, or all people?

Because you're the only person I know who speaks French. My parents won't be able to tell this was me. Kinda sad I have to be so cautious, as if they were my kidnappers or something.


One thing I did learn from Thorne that wasn't a total waste of time; sarcasm.

Isn't that what it's called? I'm not sure.

If anyone else finds this, and they happen to be young, listen to me. Please, for once, be someone who listens.

Don't "fall" in love. Don't become "smitten", "obsessed", "attached", or any of those things. If there's anything to learn, don't let yourself be "taken". Trust enough to love. Step into love. Nothing violent sounding or all-consuming. Make it simple and sweet. Life is too short for love to be painful. Find someone who makes you feel at peace, not in agony. Find someone who makes you feel safe and secure, interested and fascinated without passion that burns out too quickly. Believe me, I know a thing or two about the scars fire leaves behind.

To Scarlet; I love you. Thank you for all you have done for me. Thank you for teaching me what family means. If there's anything I'll be grateful for when I die, it's that I met you. That I learned what it felt like to be cared about. I hope Life treats you well.

To everyone else: Be careful who you give your heart too. Some of them won't give it back in one piece.

To Thorne; Despite everything, I love you. I just hope you don't spend the rest of your life ruining others the way you did mine.



What do you think? This idea popped into my head tonight and I wanted to give you a little bit more of her thoughts while in the first week of captivity.

Please review and send in ANY LAST REQUESTS FOR THE CLIMAX!

Love you lots,


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