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February 1, 1994  

Redditch, United Kingdom


My feet gently ran against the tiled floor, as a scanned the hospital rooms one by one. "Room 156,'' I whispered to myself. As I appeared to the familiar door, I smiled before entering.

The room was filled with little muffled voices from the TV and a steady beep from the ECG attached to a woman with long black hair. I walked closer to the asleep woman, taking a quick glimpse of the name printed on her wristband.

''Styles, Anne.'' It read.

An immediate little whimper interrupted my examining. My eyes immediately scanned the bare room, as I searched for the source of the crying. I strode across the floor, approaching the little infant in the clear glass container. The baby was wrapped in a blue blanket, leaving it's head the only visible thing.

"I found you,'' I breathed out. My face immediately lit up at the sight of the newborn baby. He had an alluring peaches and creme complexion, matched with a pair of beautifully emerald eyes. I slowly reached out to the little baby, wrapping him in my tight arms. There was something definitely wrong. He was ill, even his eyes looked a little faded. His tiny heart beat slowed every second I held him in my sturdy arms. I shook my head in disbelief before placing two fingers on his chest.  I felt his little heart bounce, as I stored my life deep inside him.

"I'll come back,'' I whispered in his tiny ear, before sitting him back into his container and planting a warm kiss on his porcelain skin. As I walked away from the baby, he let out a loud wail.

The tiny baby turned his head in the direction I was leaving before I slowly closed the door.

"I'm sorry.''


Louis POV

I stroked the asleep boys' face as I laid in the bed right next to him. His eyes were sealed close, yet I could still imagine his beautiful green eyes looking at me. I pulled back a loose curl as I continued to admire his beauty.

"Louis.. He'll never love you.'' the constant words played in my mind, and I believed them. 

Harry's heart slowly beated the longer I held him close to me. My phone immediately vibrated interrupting my embrace.

We need to talk, right now...- Anna, the text read.

I sighed.

I looked at Harry, who was comfortably in my arms and smiled before planting a gentle kiss on his head. I removed the boys' tight arms, that were around my waist, away from me as I got out the bed and headed out the room. My feet hopped on every step until they were placed onto the marble tile floor downstairs.

I grabbed my coat and headed out the house until someoe grasped my arm. I turned around to see the familiar brunette girl.

"Where are you going, master,'' her weak but defined voice asked. I pried her hand off my shoulder and gave her a doleful look.

"To her..'' I spoke before closing the door, leaving the speechless girl alone in the mansion. I watched all the little droplets of rain slowly fall as I  made my way to my car. 

I then dashed down the streets to her house.


I walked up to a familiar yet different door. I knocked before waiting for a response. Eventually, the door swinged open to reveal two big, buff men in black.

My Dark Little Secret *Larry Stylinson* demon!LouisOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz