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"Shes only seventeen a while life's ahead of her, she hates school because of the people that discraded her. "

*Astrid's P.O.V

I clutch the books in my hand as I walked to my next class. I arrived in school earlier than other kids, it made me feel safer, no stares, no laughing, they can't knock down my books and silence itself is pretty calming.

Hi im Astrid Walliams, yes like the author of kid books, im seventeen and life sucks. I moved out of my family house a while ago, due to the fact they wanted to move across the world and that wasn't my cup of tea. Which didn't come out for the best, people made up stories about my family leaving because I was never loved and I was just ' a broken condom'.

But then again what can I do. Well, a couple of things, suck it up and deal with it or hide behind the long sleeves of my cardigan and sob when no one is looking. Can you guess which path I took?

I opened the door to my Irish class dreading the thought of learning a language never used. Yes the language itself is still spoken in the gaelic parts of ireland but making us learn such a hard language is like making us listen to nails on a chalkboard 3 times a week.

I put my books on my desk and sit down taking out my phone and doing nothing exactly. Theres no phones allowed in class during lesson but when the class hasn't started and the teacher isn't here, what else can I do rather than plug in my earphones and listen to Twent Øne Pilots. Dont answer that.

I put my phone away when the sound of the school bell bellows through the school, its echoing making me cringe as it bounced off the walls.

I open my note book and a pencil waiting for the teacher to walk in. Students piling in and scattering around the class like sprinckles on a cupcake. Hmm cupcakes..

"Hello class" Mr Anderson said taking off his leather 'bag' and placing it on the desk taking out the irish book.

"Open page... seachto a naoi" he said and I turned to the page. The room filled with people flipping the pages one by one trying to delay the class.

"Okay.." he trailed off talking about the tenses and explaining how they vary. I start picking at my chipped nail when a paper ball hits the back of my head.

I uncrumble it trying to read the poor scribbles some one calles their writing.

Pay attention, Nerd, we dont your parents getting mad when you fail the test..oh wait.

I felt the tears prickling my eyes but pushed them back not showing my weakness. I dumped the now crumbled piece of paper in my bag hoping it gets crushed at the bottom like my dreams and hopes..

That's deep Astrid, calm down.

I mentally chuckled at myself. I  heard the door open and Luke ran in with a slip in his hand and his uniform a mess. His bag was hanging loosely on his shoulder, swinging everytime he took a step.

"Sorry im late" he gasped passing the note to Mr. Anderson. He nodded in response. Luke sat in his normal space beside me and smiled at me.

Oh yes, Luke Robert Hemmings. The only person that doesn't make fun of me and is my only firend and my boyfriend. Also one of the most popular guys in school and plays on the school soccer team.

"Hi Astrid, what did I miss?" Luke askes and I shrugged not knowing what to say since I spent almost thw wholw lesson picking at my nails and ignoring everything around me.

"I don't know. I wasn't listening" I replyed truthfully and he chuckled quietly.  He looked at the board and rolled his eyes.

"We learned this last year. And the year before that!" He pointed out and I nodded. He looked at me wierd.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded confused at his question. Did I say something, made a body gesture, oh god I ruined our relationship!

"Oh you just look a little nervous" he stated and I chuckled. Maybe because I haven't slept yesterday due to the paranoia.

"I just didn't sleep well last night" I replyed and he nodded frowning, turning his attention back to the teacher who was blabbing on about something in another language expecting everyone to pay attention.

I don't think I slept last night, maybe an hour and a half, I just remember slamming my hand on the alarm clock, yes and actual alarm clock not my phone and waking up so confused and dreading the thought of school.

Im great how about you?

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