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    The silence hung in the air like decay. I could feel my hands losing blood circulation. I couldn't dare look at Lucas. I didn't deserve this though, he didn't refuse the cuffs or the forcefulness of the police. I just...accepted that it was over...if this is over...

     I turned my aching neck to the left, out of the rainy window. Hawkins was filled upside down and right side up with trees. Forest. Emptiness. Trapped. Yet I knew all of the forests in the county like the back of my hand. I let his tongue brush my lips. I could feel a light cut in the middle of my top lip. I bit back the saltiness of the rich blood.

       The car came to a screeching stop. I could feel the scraping breaks against the rough and rocky road. I shut my eyes tightly. As the passenger opened my door demanding me out, I took a deep breath. In. Out. I stretched out my weak shoulders, preparing himself to be oblivious of the outside world. I'm gonna be here for a while.

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