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"I see you've enjoyed your first test?" the grim voice barked in the darkness.
"Was that really her?" I croaked.
"Depends on the girl you wanted to see," the voice sneered.
I slowly opened my eyes. I tried to think back to the glimpse of the girl I had seen on the first day here. I held my breath. Why would she be in my thoughts? She isn't Eleven...
"You might be wondering how I'm putting these images into your head," the gruff man stood over my metal table stiffly. "
     "You're just giving me these dreams so I can," my throat seemed to close in, " I can see my Eleven. Is there some other way I can see her? Do you know where she is? Is she really...gone?" My voice quivered on his last statement. The queer man bent his neck to clear a crick with a snap. This made me cringe in fear.
     "Do you really think that I would just let you allow you to see your...sweeeet Eleven? Ha!" his emphasis on his mocking voice gave me knots in my stomach. I could feel my adrenaline rushing. He wouldn't, this place, wouldn't manipulate Eleven or himself, would he? The trusts and promises were fading. I knew they wanted Eleven. And they weren't going to stop getting wanting her. But they had to get through me first. Anything for Eleven.

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