The rescue part 1. (Nick's p.o.v )

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I woke up in the allyway.  Isabella, Tatanick,  and the polar bears were gone. I cursed . They were the only resources that we knew of to capture Bellwether. 
"Judy? " I called. 
I heard a vibration coming from inside the dumpster. I opened it to find a phone. A clear as crystal beige colored case. I gulped as I lifted the phone put of the dumpster. I slowly turned it over in my paw. The screen was cracked , what was the second most terrifying detain about the dark screen is that the cracks were filled with dried up blood.  I sniffed it . My eyes widened as my ears fell back. I could feel my heart pounding against my rib cage trying to break through. It was Judy's blood. I pressed the home button and the lock screen lit up. It showed Judy and a little white bunny with green eyes on it. I shook my head .
",no,no,no,no,no,no, no, no, no, no, ! NO! JUDY! "  I screamed .
I fell to my knees and cried . I couldn't lose Judy agian. I couldn't.  Her phone buzzed in my hand.
Incoming call from: Isabella. 
Incoming call from : Clawhouser 
Incoming call from : Officer McHorn
The screen read. I quickly awnsered Clawhouser and put him on hold the I awnsered a Isabella. 
"Great, your awake. This message will not be repeated so listen up. If you ever want to see Judy agian alive, we'll you need to come to us. It dosn't matter when as long as it's in a seventy-two hour range . Or else,  she dies. Just be happy you woke up today. Or eles that would'vebeen counted in the time range. We're in  Old Zootopia.  The hospital.  Remember seventy-two hours,  or else Judy dies. That's three days. "  Isabella siad.  Then the line went dead. 
I quickly awnsered Clawhouser. 
" I heard the whole thing.  I'm organizing a riot pirimiter around  Old Zootopia.  And the airways.  All airportsare shut down until we get Judy back. Everyone is getting ready. Come in and get ready. We're sending you in first." Clawhouser siad seriously. 
"I'll be there in five." I siad hanging up.
New text : Isabella 
I clicked it. 
My heart stopped.  Judy was lying on the ground bleeding to death. She was chained to the floor . 
New text: Isabella. 
It'll get worse every day. 
I shovedJudy's phone in my bocket and hurried to the ZPD.

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