||seventeen|| Alone||

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Tyler had fallen asleep and Josh was looking at the clock. It was now 6.15 am. and Kelly would soon wake up. Josh sighed and slung his legs over the edge of the bed. He looked at the boy lying peacefully on the bed. "I love you." Josh whispered and got up. He looked at the window and opened it. He stood ther for a second to take in the fresh air. He climbed out of Tyler's window and jumped from Tyler's to his roof. Josh tried to open his window but it was locked. "Shit." Josh whispered. He must've forgot to turn off the auto-lock. Josh jumped down and prayed that the door would be open. He walked to the front steps of the house and carefully opened the door. Josh let out a breath and walked in. "Where have you been?" Laura asked. Josh cursed himself for even thinking his mom wasn't up. "Just at a friend's house." Josh said. Laura looked at him. "Don't lie to me!" She yelled. "But I'm no-" josh tried to say but his mother's hand had already collided with his face and a stinging feeling had started to attack his face. Josh's face was turning red because of what his mother did and the fact that she did it. Josh closed his mout, tears threatening to spill. They stood there in complete silence. Josh looked behind laura. Bill was laying in the chair, bottles of alcohol surrounding him. "I fucking hate you!" Josh yelled. He ran upstairs and grabbed the biggest bag he found. He ripped a handful of clothes from every drawer and some extra stuff he needed. He took the metal box of money he had saved for a apartment and threw the bag over his shoulder before jumping out the window and running.

Josh didn't stop. Tears spilling like waterfalls. His heart hurt, but he kept loving. His head hurt, but he kept crying. His legs hurt but he kept running. He was out of breath but kept breathing. Josh didn't know where to go. Nobody loved him. Even his own family didn't love him. How could anyone else? Josh stopped when he realized he was in the middle of a highway. He didn't know where he was. Josh looked around him and kept walking. Every time he blinked he was in a different location. He didn't know how but he was. Josh sat down on the ground. Bringing his knees up to his chest. Josh picked up his phone and scrolled to Maddy's number. His hands shaking as he clicked the call button. There were three rings before she picked up. "Hello?" She asked. "C-can I please talk to Tyler?" Josh asked, his voice cracking. "Of course." She said. He heard footsteps and a yawn. "Joshie?" Tyler asked. "Tyler." Josh sobbed. "Joshie, what is it?" Tyler asked. "I love you so much." Josh said and bit his knuckles, trying to hold back sobs. "I love you too." He said. "And I will never forget you, okay?" Josh said. "Josh, what do you mean?" Tyler asked. Josh sobbed louder. "Just, forget me, please."Josh said and hung up. He stood up and began walking again. The bag hitting his leg every time he took a step. His eyes were red and swollen. His knuckles had bite marks and his lips were red and full of tears and saliva. But he kept walking. He couldn't stop. He didn't have a reason to stop. He was all alone. No one cared. So why would he?

Josh was alone. He had alwayd been and he was always going to be.

All alone.

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