Inside the Box {BTS FF Taehyung} ANGST Chapter 1

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Hi Mr Box! So, let's get two things straight. I am homeless and hated. No one likes me. I can understand. I am mean in my other state, but I am fine normally. I kind of like being lonely though, as I can be independent. People in the past have said that I don't want to hurt people. Maybe I do, deep down, but the streets are tough and I can't give a shit about others' feelings.

Once I was just walking when this guy bumped into me. He was dressed in a hoodie and jeans. He looked at me coldly, but I carried on walking. Then he grabbed my wrist and he pressed me against his chest. "Watch where you are going." He spoke and his breath went into my mouth, and spat at him. "Watch where you are talking." he looked at me with shock and I ran off, after wrenching myself out of his grip. I reached back to the Box, and I couldn't see him. I was scared, and I couldn't think. I got inside the Box and started crying. 

"Why can't I control it? Why can't I... be normal?" I started sobbing, and everything went blurred through the tears. Suddenly, there was a figure in front of me wiping my tears away. "Are you okay?" he said. I recognized the voice and started sobbing harder. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what I was thinking! Please don't hurt me..." he then cupped my cheeks and shocked me. "I know what is wrong with you, I know how you feel. Come with me." My eyes immediately dried up. "What do you-" then he grabbed my hand and started walking again.

Soon, we were at a fancy hotel that I had dreamed about staying in. It had a golden colour scheme, with staff everywhere wearing tuxedos all day round. We got in the lift, and I went to the corner, still afraid of what was happening. "We can't break into one of the apartments, Mr...?" I tried to get his attention, but he stayed silent. After stepping out of the elevator on the top floor, he turned to face me again. "Mr Kim Taehyung. Call me V." I wanted to ask him what it meant, but we started walking again so I stayed silent.

We arrived in front of a room with 5 stars on the door. I was incredibly confused, but I once again stayed silent for fear of being scolded. He took a key card out of his pocket, scanned it and the door opened. My eyes widened, and I had a feeling he didn't steal the card but rather it was his. We got inside and there were 6 other men inside.

"Ah, hyung where have you-" one started talking when his eyes landed on me, and he stood up. "Why have you brought a fan girl here?" I turned my head and raised an eyebrow in confusion. I looked up at V, who was stuttering. "She, she's not a f-fan. I-I bumped into h-her," he swallowed and started talking properly. "I bumped into her when I wasn't looking where I was going, I shouted at her, she spat on me and ran off, I ran after her and I found her crying in a box." the men started laughing, and I snapped. "Shut the fuck up! I love my Box and I don't know why I am here!" a tear fell down my cheek. V mumbled something, then took me into a bedroom. "Stay here, Miss...?" I looked down. "Y/F/N." He smiled, and spoke. "Pretty. It is like you." I blushed, having never been complimented before, when he walked out of the room. I was curious of what was happening, so I put my ear to the door and listened. V was shouting.

"Why would you do that? She is homeless, like I was once! And she is... she is like me." the one from earlier spoke. "So you just couldn't think of getting out your phone and telling us that you were bringing a tramp in love with a stupid box back to us?" a tear fell down my cheek, at the realization of how stupid I was. Then V started talking again. "So? No one else has obviously ever loved her, so she has one thing. At least I can talk to her!" the other man didn't speak, then I heard footsteps coming towards the door so I sat on the bed and started fake crying. When I looked up, I expected V. Instead, it was the other man who spoke. He walked in and shut the door behind him. I backed up, when he put his hand on my knee.

"I'm sorry I was so rude. I am normally scared of girls, never have I scared a girl. I'm Jungkook." I didn't speak, still shaken from his rudeness. He sighed, then took his hand off my knee and walked out. V came in after him, and started speaking in a soft tone. "You can sleep in here, I will sleep in the living room." My eyes widened. "But I might mess up your sheets and I have no other clothes and my Box-" he put his fingers on my lips and shushed me. "I will cover everything. Don't worry Y/N." He took my hand, and I stood up. He walked a few steps to the front of the bed. He took my torn and tattered shoes off, and opened the covers. I got in, and he tucked me in like a father does with his daughter. As he was leaving the room, a question came into my head. "V?" he turned around, curious of what I was going to say. "How long will I stay here?" he smiled, and spoke soothingly. "For as long as you want. If that means forever, so be it." He then turned off the light, left the room and shut the door. At the same time, my eyes shut.

inside the box {BTS FF Taehyung} ANGST (DISCONTINUED) ;Where stories live. Discover now