Inside the Box {BTS FF Taehyung} ANGST Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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As I walked back to the dorm from shopping, I suddenly dropped my phone when not looking where I was going. I bent down to pick it up, when someone walked straight into my back. I fell on my face and dropped my bags of clothes. "Whoa! I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." I picked my stuff up, stood up and brushed myself off. I looked at his face and was angry, as he was wasting my time. I rose my fist, when I then put it down. 'I need to act properly when the press are watching me every minute.' I bowed, and spoke to him. "No, I am sorry. If I had been careful I wouldn't have dropped my phone and you wouldn't have walked into me." He then bowed as well, and we carried on walking.

I reached the hotel with no further accidents. I got out my key card, and jumped into the elevator. As it was going up, I wondered how far away V was. 'I think way too much about him.' but then I shook that thought out of my head as the doors opened. I walked down the corridor and opened the door as usual. Just as I locked the door, I jumped backwards as I heard a shout at the door. "Y/N! OPEN UP!" I didn't recognize the voice, and I ran into the bathroom. I got my phone out after locking the second door, when I heard a loud crash. 'He's broken the door!'

[TAEHYUNG POV] The elevator finally opened its doors, and me and Jungkook ran to our dorm. As we reached the room, it was broken and smashed. We stepped inside and we saw the man, Y/N and her sister. Y/N had a knife and he held her sister at knife-point. "If any of you help Y/N, I will kill this beautiful girl right now." He started stroking her neck, while tears streamed down her face. He was sick. "If you do anything to her then you will die you pedo!" Jungkook yelled, but I put my hand over his mouth. "What do you want?" I asked calmly, hoping he would be a good man. "Oh. Kim Taehyung, haven't seen you in a while. It's nice to talk to another murderer." My fists clenched, but I didn't let my anger take over. "I repeat, what do you want?" he gave an evil smirk. "Y/N. And not just want as in to take her away. As in, I want her." I felt vomit coming up my throat, but I swallowed it back down and carried on talking. "Fine. Take her." [END OF POV]

My heart sank. "What?" I said, dropping the knife on the floor, suddenly sobbing. V looked at me, then away coldly. "Just give us Noona. Please." I started crying even harder. Jungkook was shocked, and as he breathed in to shout at V, V pushed him onto the floor with so much strength that he passed out. My eyes widened, and somehow even more tears came out. V started walking towards the man, and put his hand out. "Give me the knife, then it's a deal." I dropped on the floor. I felt strange, and suddenly couldn't move. "Oh, okay..." the man gave V the knife. I started to hyperventilate. "Don't worry Y/N - you won't know what is happening." V spoke again, where I suddenly felt a blow to my head, and heard it hit the ground.

[JUNGKOOK POV] My eyes opened slowly, after hearing a loud bang. Once I could see clearly, I stood up. I saw Y/N lying on the floor, V holding a knife and the man reaching down to pick her up. Noona ran over to me, and she whispered in my ear. "Kookie, do something!" My eyes scattered everywhere, when I had a thought. "Play along. Pretend we are fine with it." Her eyes widened, when I put my finger on her lips. "Please, trust me." She slowly nodded. 

"Hey! Here's the door. Take her and leave." he picked her up, and ignored my presence. I walked over to where she was lying and picked up her knife. As he was walking out the door, I ran towards him. Blood suddenly gushed all over my front, and he fell backwards. I quickly pushed Y/N forward, and saved her from being stabbed from the knife as well. The man's stomach and back both had holes filled in by the knife. I picked Y/N up and turned to Noona. "Do you still have your own house?" she nodded, and asked her to take us there. Taehyung stood there, still with the knife in his hand. [END OF POV]

[LISA POV] As I sat on my front porch, Jungkook came out and sat next to me. He held my hand, and I turned to him. "What happened to him?" he turned as well, turning his head sideways. "As in his used to be really sweet. Now he has tried to sell off our sister to that prick dad used to go out drinking with." He scoffed, and chuckled. "Well, I know the reason why and I'm surprised you don't. Usually you tell each other everything." I sighed, and looked down. "I can't believe I used to date him."

inside the box {BTS FF Taehyung} ANGST (DISCONTINUED) ;Where stories live. Discover now