Part #01

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Photographs are special, but something about the Polaroid is lively.

Furious, that he was, he pushed open the door of his office. He had underestimated the defense lawyer's ability to get the hearing adjourned to another date. He had planned to finish off the case in today's hearing, yet it didn't go as he had wished. And to worsen it further, his client had been blaming him for his backfired plan's consequences.

"Mr. Arjun Khanna, you better get the case wrapped up by the next hearing. Do you even know how much loss I'm enduring? I haven't paid you a bomb to suffer these losses, I have hired you to get me the damn justice!" his client blasted on him, once they were back in his office.

 Do you even know how much loss I'm enduring? I haven't paid you a bomb to suffer these losses, I have hired you to get me the damn justice!" his client blasted on him, once they were back in his office

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Arjun frowned. It wasn't entirely his fault. In his five years of career and two years of independent practice, he hadn't faced something like this prior to his current case. It was a new experience in his career and he had already created a mental note of it in his head for future hearings.

"I'm trying my best, Mr. Mathur. And please, if you could leave me alone to ponder on what I should do next? That'll be much appreciated." Arjun didn't try to conceal his displeasure and turned to gaze out of his window. His office was on the 14th floor of the skyscraper of the firm he was working with. Though, he wasn't much fond of his employers, he still was appreciative of the location they had chosen to serve as his working place. Away from the noise, atleast the cacophony he just couldn't bear of the world out there.

"Fine," his client surly replied and exited Arjun's office.
Arjun sighed.

His job was extremely exhausting on days, like today. He was criminal lawyer, a profession just as demanding as grim it sounded. Hardly, his professional life ever left him time for himself and to indulge in leisure activities he really enjoyed. Yet, he actually felt relieved because whenever he was free, only one thought would predominately occupy his mind. Or rather a woman. It wouldn't leave him easily, atleast in last five years, it didn't.
Neither did he ever wish for the recurrent images of that woman to excuse him.

He walked over to his office desk. It was brown and made of a material that someone like him, who liked simplicity would never appreciate. Why do people have to waste a gargantuan amount on these materialistic things? He had no idea, because for him materialism was just a sign of utter foolishness and supreme pettiness. For him, simple lifestyle with no feeling of jealousy or insecurity had always scored higher than a life of crazy luxuries.
Perhaps, I was born privileged. Wealthy family and a lineage, enough to make anyone disdainful towards luxuries and riches. Maybe, Love would've been enough for me.

But he was always loved by his parents, just a little less than his perfect elder siblings. Or were they the reincarnations of my parents? Years of pondering, yet still no answer. A thought for ignorance, he liked being alone.
I think I should rather read the book. Hmm...I can talk to her, as well. Better option anyway.

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