Part #02

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Note: I'm skipping the entire suspense part from TSOUHF because that would give away the plot. Also, this is the probably the last part which features Sidharth. He'll be there in Part 4, though for a tiny sequence. Rest the next two parts are completely on Mayera and Arjun. Part 4 is gonna be the last.
Enjoy Reading :)

In a blinking moment, Arjun felt his entire world collapse. His knowledge, his education, his experiences, everything just fell short of what he had just been informed about by Sidharth. A case he had never imagined could be real, was actually demanding now his involvement. How I'm gonna handle it, though?
He couldn't think of a way to win it through.

For a moment, he felt embarrassed and a humiliating question seemed to have been raised on his entire education. Perhaps, he had been ignorant toward things he couldn't accept to be real. But now, it was like a slap to his belief that he knew everything about law. Though, he knew he was yet to know everything but he'd always believed he did.
Well, presumption mostly ends with a lesson learnt.

"How are we gonna handle this, Sid? I can't seem to think of a way out of this case. And we don't even have enough time, do we?" Arjun asked, slightly hopeful. He kept his voice almost inaudible, as they were in a cafe bustling with people who they didn't wish to engage in their discussion.
When Sidharth didn't reply immediately, Arjun again began to go through Rehaan's case file. It was in every possible sense in Vivan's favour. Yet, Arjun wished to find a silver lining in this very dark cloud that seemed to be on the edge of enveloping his entire sky of life.

"I honestly don't know, Arjun. The only solution now is that we keep our peace and let things be. There's no way we can figure out a way out of this in next few hours. Everything's against us, neither we have any proofs on our side to prove Rehaan's innocence. The least we can do to save Rehaan is send him underground. London's might just be the right place for him to go in hiding," said Sidharth. His face was lacking the exuberance that Sidharth usually carried with himself, which Arjun initially found hard to comprehend. But once Sidharth elucidated the entire situation to him, Arjun could very well understand Sidharth's plight. Certainly, the state Sidharth was in of extreme distress, given it was his best friend who had been framed in a fake case of murder and he could do nothing to save him.
Perhaps, that's what had also brought him to Arjun. Just Sidharth forgot that Arjun, too, was still a novice like him.

"I think yes. Once Rehaan's safe, we can start our own investigation to gather some evidences to advocate Rehaan's innocence when this case will be reopened. Till then, it'll be safe for Rehaan to stay in London." Arjun nodded. Beyond this, he couldn't think of any other solution at this moment. He was at his wits end. The case was complex, and to understand it Arjun needed a calm mind. Not the chaotic haywire that his brain currently seemed like.

"Yes." Sidharth replied. "I'm going back to Delhi tonight, and probably by next two days we'll manage to send Rehaan off to London. If during this time, I come across any clues that might prove to be useful for us, I'll let you know. I hope you won't mind flying to Delhi every few weeks?"

"No, I won't." Arjun smiled. Sidharth, though, hadn't stayed much in touch with Arjun in last five years, but Arjun still considered Sidharth trustworthy friend. If there was something that Sidharth felt Arjun could help on, Arjun wouldn't think twice to assist him. Like now, though after he was over his reservations and he didn't have to be in Sidharth's company for a prolonged period of time.

Sidharth passed a small smile and got up to leave. Over four cups of coffee in last two hours, Sidharth had explained to Arjun about the entire case that Vivan had deliberately trapped Rehaan, Arhaan and to an extent Sidharth in to wash off his own hands in his brother's death. Initially, Arjun had a few inhibitions to allow himself to get involved in this case. His career for sure would be at stake, even when he wouldn't wish to risk it. The constant travelling that Sidharth had hinted at, was only the tip of the iceberg. If they were to go the way Sidharth had planned, there was hardly any time gonna be left for Arjun to focus on his career. Furthermore, the another set of risk that would arise once the private investigation would begin, was something Arjun wasn't really excited for obvious reasons. And lastly, he'd have to be in Sidharth's company, frequently than he'd like to. Inspite of his rapport with Sidharth, how was he expected to be in the vicinity of a man who was with the woman he had lost his heart to? It was awkward, even when Sidharth didn't have even the slightest of idea of his feelings for Mayera. Or did he?

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