Part #03

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A/N: I know I've been writing crap for some time, but I'm just trying to get my flair back which I lost due to my hectic schedule in college. Just don't mind it much, I'll surely be back to writing good soon with some more practice.
Thanks :^)


If someone had told Arjun that not only Mayera was an obnoxious co-worker, she was bossy as well, he would've definitely thought twice before saying yes to working with her. But now, as he and Mayera completed three months of their newly founded team of two, he couldn't help but fall even deeply in love with Mayera Shah.
Who wouldn't, though?

Their work was pretty simple on paper: they had to befriend and spy on a couple of Rehaan's business associates to extract what all little information they could find to back up Rehaan's case. With some luck, they did manage to get in touch with one of Rehaan's former business associates, but getting any useful information from him was an uphill battle. And Mayera's cranky behaviour wasn't helping them much.

"Why can't he just open his mouth and let the details of his deal with that monster out? What's profit is he gonna make by making my brother rot in a jail cell for his entire length of life?"
Mayera grumbled. Arjun had no idea for how many times she had uttered this in last two months, he anyway had lost the count five weeks back.

"It's okay, Mayera. We'll surely figure out some way to extract whatever information we need from him very soon," he tried to assure her.
He glanced once at her, but quickly averted his gaze back on the road. He was driving them back to his apartment, where they had a document to discuss with Jay, a police officer who had been helping them in this case.

But just like the previous times, Mayera grunted and pretended to sleep with her sunglasses on at seven in evening. Somehow, her antic only made Arjun chuckle softly.
She really is individual.
And maybe, he could make her happy. However, for that, she was required to give him a chance which Arjun at the moment was sure she wouldn't because he knew that soon the problems between her and Sidharth would dissolve and they'd be back to being the way they were earlier.
A happy madly in love couple....

Despite that knowledge, he had been observing her since they began working, and he knew she had changed drastically which seemed surprising to him. Mayera was no longer the woman he didn't stop admiring in the wedding five years back. She remained silent for most part of her time in Arjun's company, and somewhere Arjun was sure she didn't speak to anyone else either. Whenever, Sidharth visited them, she would sit in a farthest corner behaving like she tried to avoid getting any sort of contagious disease from him. It was awry for Arjun to see the previously much in love couple act like they didn't know each other, mostly from Mayera's part. However, he just didn't have the guts to ask...why?

Perhaps, Mayera and Sidharth's relationship gone bitter from all roses, was another mystery that Arjun surely knew had no conclusion or answers to offer him. It was their private matter and he wasn't intending to inquire about it either. He just hoped their problems resolved soon.
Am I really hoping for this?
Seemed ironical to his heart.

They reached Arjun's apartment ten minutes later. As soon as the car stopped, Mayera stepped out and moved inside the building without waiting for Arjun to park his car. He didn't mind that, though. Her cold shoulder to him, infact to everyone who had some link to Sidharth, was usual by now for him. Perhaps, like her brother, Mayera too had faced a betrayal.
From Sidharth?
Arjun was reluctant to believe that, although denial is actually silent acceptance of the circumstances.
He knew that well.

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