Chapter 8- Four eyes

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When Eren got home, Carla immediately called him into the living room. Eren had a busted lip from where jean punched him. When Eren came into sight, she gasped at her sons lip.

"Eren, again!? Its is the fifth one this year. When will this stop?" She asked, full of anger about the boy getting in a fight.

Eren just looked at his feet shuffling them slightly and not coming up with a response to his mothers question. 

She crossed her arms "Next time Eren, there will be big consequences." She said staring him down as he meekly nodded his head.

After Carla was done talking to him, he walked into his room and took off his school uniform, getting changed into different clothes. He threw his uniform into the wash, he found himself putting it in there every day after school instead of once every month. He didn't like how Levi looked down on him for that so he wanted it to be kept clean. He didn't get why he cared about what Levi thought about him since he doesn't care what most people say about him. However, he just shrugged it off. 

Back at Levi's house, he got changed out of his work clothes and into a pair of sweats with a regular plain black t-shirt after taking a nice long relaxing shower. He sat down on his couch after making sure his door was locked this time, so bushy eyebrows wouldn't walk in randomly unannounced. He had a habit of doing that.

He had a nice hot cup of tea in his right hand with the TV remote in the other, surfing the channels. He settled down on a random old TV show. This is what he basically did all day ever since "she" left. Levi pushed those thoughts away. He was feelings fine and didn't want his mood decrease.


"Hi there, you must be the new teacher, I'm Mrs.Zoe, but you can call me Hanji." Hanji said to Levi as he leaned against the counter in the staff room during his break. Levi never answered her so she kept going "I'm the science teacher, I love science, and experimenting, don't you?" She stared at Levi, her messy pulled up hair flying everywhere.

He rubbed his temples, already getting annoyed of her "will you shut up four eyes?" He said, annoyance clear in his voice.

"Ouch, feisty." 

He rolled his eyes and walked out, hearing her footsteps following him. "Oh c'mon, don't be a party pooper. I'm just trying to talk to you." Levi stopped in his tracks as Hanji kept going and ran into him. "Whoops, didn't see you there shorty." She laughed

He curled his fists, but took a deep breath and released his fists "Tch, I have a class to attend, leave me alone." He said and started walking to his classroom leaving her there.


Eren paid attention to Levi for once as he talked about the lesson. He found himself as the days went on, doing more and more work in this class. He brought his grade from an F to an A which resulted to his parents getting concerned and asking if he cheated because Eren never got A's. After a while of Eren convincing them he didn't cheat, they were ecstatic. They were proud of Eren 

"Only if you could do that in all your classes." Grisha commented, which made Eren glare at him.

"Good job brat." Levi said handing Eren his test with a big A on the top in red ink. Eren's blank face turned into a huge smile at his test score results. His parents would be even more excited than he was.

Ooo, who's "she"? You'll find out later moohahaha. I hope you guys like what I have planned out in the future^-^ 

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