Chapter 10- Payback

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Eren loved to irritate Levi, pushing his every last button. For the past few days, most of the class time Eren did was spent getting on Levi's nerves and pushing him to his limits. Levi on the other hand wanted to punch him in the face every time Eren did something to make him angry and flustered.

But this time it was Levi's turn. Eren was playing with fire and finally was going to get a taste of his own medicine. Levi walked into the classroom as the brunette was as always, the first one to be there and seated. Eren tilted his head in confusion, he knew something was coming. But he didn't know what. And he guessed it was going to be something bad. 

Eren's fellow classmates all gathered among the classroom, getting settled into their seats and pulled out last nights homework. Eren had a very hard time with the homework. He only had a few of the questions answered out of the many, and Levi walked around glancing at the kids papers and took note that Eren didn't have much of it done. 

He walked back up towards his desk and pulled out his teachers copy with all the answers written on it.

"Ah, let's get started on this." Levi said more to himself than the students. 

"Let's see, does anybody have the answer for number one?" Levi asks the class and everyone raises their hand. That is everyone except Eren. He decided this was his payback to Eren. To embarass him for playing with Levi.

"Hmm, Eren.. What's number one?" Levi said fixing his gaze on the boy.

"I-I didn't get that one." Eren says embarrassed, a light pink color finding their way to his face. "Tch, what a pity." Levi shook his head and picked on a random student who answered the question correctly. 

Levi kept going through the questions, calling on Eren each time. Eren either answered with "I didn't get it." Or the wrong answer to the question, his face turning a darker red color each time he got it wrong. 

Eren's hatred for Levi was getting more and more stronger each time Levi called on him. He was beyond furious by the time they finished going threw the paper. 

Levi smirked once he saw Eren's dark red crisom cheeks and his eyes glaring at him. Levi passed out more papers, to Eren it seemed like they were just getting paper after paper. When Mr.Harris was there, they didn't do that much. 

"You should pay attention to the lesson instead of staring at me constantly." Levi whispered, dangerously close to the boys ear. Eren shivered, getting goosebumps. Levi laid a piece of paper on his desk, noticing Eren's actions and smirked walking back to his desk as he left the boy dumbfounded at his desk, staring at Levi in shock. 


Eren couldn't get Levi off his mind. His rudeness, his blank expression, his deep husky voice when he whispered in Eren's ear. Eren couldn't get Levi's voice out of his head. He did find himself often spacing out and just staring at Levi. He sometimes couldn't get his eyes off the shorter boys figure. It took him a lot of will power to pry his eyes away from him. 

And Levi could sense when Eren was staring at him. For he has also stared at the boy when he's working. Eyebrows knitted together in frustration. He found it... cute. And his eyes, oh his eyes. Levi could just get lost in them. He didn't know that it was possible to have such amazing eyes. He was jealous. But he never showed any emotion towards Eren. And he made sure that Eren never saw Levi staring at him. 


Eren sat on his bed, covering his ears. He could still hear his parents yelling at each other from downstairs through his palms. He sat in fetal position, not wanting to hear his parents screams. His parents used  to not fight. They used to be as happy as happy can get. But lately, they have been fighting a lot lately. And Eren hated it. He winced every time he heard their shouts of hatred towards each other. He glanced at the clock 3 am. They were fighting and it was only 3 in the morning. Mikasa was at one of her friends house, staying the night so she couldn't witness this. Ever since his parents started fighting, Eren gets more and more stressed, He loves his parents and doesn't want his family to tear apart. He wanted to do something about it. but he couldn't. And he was beating himself up inside cause he couldn't do anything from stopping the two adults from fighting. It went on for an hour. Constant screeching and yelling back and forth. Eren felt like he was the reason they were fighting, he didn't know what he did but he still thought he was the reason. Silent tears streamed down Eren's face as they fought. He wanted to go down their and tell them to stop fighting, but that would just make it worse. 

Eren dragged himself around school all day. He didn't get one second of sleep last night. He couldn't fall asleep knowing his parents deep hatred for each other last night. Mikasa and Armin kept asking what was wrong but he just replied with 'nothing' or 'I'm fine, I promise' 

Levi walked into 6th period, his eyes scanned for Eren, but he wasn't there yet. Strange. Eren was always there before Levi arrived. 

Eren was the last one into the class, making it in a few seconds before the bell went off indicating class has started. Levi saw the black bags under Eren's eyes, his messy hair and messed up uniform.  Eren just laid his head on the desk closing his eyes.

Eren didn't pay attention at all, he was either staring out the window or closing his eyes. Levi wasn't harsh on him today, he knew something was bothering him, but he didn't know what. And He was determined to know what was bothering the boy. 

As everyone left the classroom, Eren was the last one out. But before he could take one step out of the room, Levi's voice stopped him. 

"Can I talk to you?"

Slightly longer chapter, hope you liked it! 

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