Shooting Stars

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It was the middle of the night and I was in a forest for some reason.

'Strange.' I thought.

The forest was oddly picturesque and had some aura around around, like it's telling me to go somewhere. Specifically a certain a path that had been obscured by the autumn leaves.

Being quite the idiot sometimes, I followed my gut and walked to wherever this may lead me. The shadow of the forest engulfed any traces of light, which made things harder for me as I can't see well in the dark. Mixed with the darkness was the creepy whispering of the wind that rustles the leaves, it made me cringe to the unknown.

Never the less, I kept on going. Despite the strong feeling my conscience took over my body and soon I was out of the forest.

Eventually I found an exit to a wide field, which was covered in different types flowers that I couldn't identify. I looked around and saw that the forest was gone.

'This is getting strange. This is weird. This is creepy.' I kept repeating those sentences in my head in an attempt to calm myself down, which is quite ironic.

In my daze, something bright passed by at the night sky. I look up the starry sky and nothing but the jet black liquid and a hint of faint emerald that cut through it.

Then "it' happened. When I meant it, I meant shooting stars.

The strand of light passed by the sky skimming through the water. Then soon later, several came one by one, each diamond rush through raven night.

My eyes widened with glee. I had been waiting for this moment almost my whole life.

'Shoot! The wish, Tsuyoshi!' I reminded my self. I shook my head and concentrated on my wish. I inhaled and exhaled.

'I wish that I-'


"ACK!!" I squealed as I hit my face to the back seat in front of me.

"Hoshii, You're finally awake." Someone said to me. I turn my head to see Gozuma. My eyes twitched and I looked down, disapointed at myself most of all. That was the third dream this week that I had about shooting stars. Reality really hurts.

The universe hates me.
Author's note

If you didn't know, the main character in this one shot is Hoshii Tsuyoshi, reserved defender of Dragonlink.

His bio was the inspiration for the story as he has never seen a shooting star but really wants to wish on it. It's so cute.

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