The Big Chase

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(Keep replaying the music until the end of the chapter)

I looked to the stairs to look at Mr. Pig. Even with the pigs head on he had been hurt bad. I was going to kick him but, instead I ran to the stairs.

Each step a loud creak was made. I fell on the last step due to the fact the stairs had large holes in them. I quickly got up and walked out of the basement. I looked left and then right. Left was his bedroom. I could hide under his bed and wait for him to give up his search I could sneak out. Or I could run out the front door and lose him in the forest.

I didn't have much time to think because I heard a loud ruckus from down stairs then I heard him yell,

"I'll carve my name into your back for this Robert dear"

I decided to run towards the front door. I ran down his gross yellow hard wood floor and through his kitchen/living room until, I got out of the front door. The whole time I heard, the sound of loud bangs behind me. Like fat feet on the same old yellow hardwood floor.

I had no time to open the screen door, so I just ran through it. I didn't fall down due to the fact the door was only on one hinge.

I ran out on the dying green grass. I ran so fast to his jeep, that was in the corner of my eye. I ran to it and tried to open it. The handle moved but, not the car door. I looked behind me and there he was. He appeared to have had enough time to grab a knife.

The blade went below his knee and I could see my reflection on the blade. He grabbed very tightly on the grip as if he was to let go it would disappear forever.

"Last chance to come home before i get mad," Pig said trying to remain calm.

Instead of answering him i just ran through the dead forest grass. I ran as fast as I could. Yet I still seemed slow because I could feel him getting closer.

Then right away I saw a downward slope. I ran down it fast and turned my head around my shoulder. And I saw Pig going down the hill as well and his house wasn't far from the hill so I must have been running very slow.

The crunching of leaves behind me were basically right beside me!

I started to attempt to pick up speed. The cold air on my skin from the February breeze, made my body shiver. I could here Pig snort and yell from behind me. However lucky for me they seemed to become more distant. I then started to run to the right so I could go through the forest and hopefully lose him.

I felt like I was in a horror movie as I entered the woods, so I kept looking down at my feet so I didn't fall. There was a few large sticks sticking out of the ground.

The trees were thin so he would still be able to see me but, it was still better than running through an open field.
The black bark trees made my now pale white skin very visible. I can't out run Pig, I need to hide now!!

I ran as fast as a cheetah. I looked down at my feet to make sure I don't fall while trying to find my hiding place. I saw a small trail and a dirty ditch. I ran down into the ditch. I nearly tripped down the hill it was so steep. After that I saw a bush so I climbed into it and hoped Pig would run past me. I squatted down and tried not to even breathe.

I heard something fall off a slope. I was able to see a man on the ground. I then watched him pound his clenched hands down on the ground. He got up and looked down.

"What have we here"

He leaned over and I knew he found something. I knew he was going to find me.


"Why do they stop around here. *Clears throat*"

"Robert, are you hiding from me." He seemed to giggle after he was talking.

I closed my remaining eye because I knew if I opened it I'd scream at Pig. I was able to hear a loud scratching sound. It sounded like a knife on bark. The sound was from the tree across from me. Then I heard it stop for a moment, soon later it started up again. Except it seemed to be coming closer and closer to me and I then noticed that the sound was no longer the sound of metal on bark but, on a dusty piece of ground.

I felt a crippling pain inside my brain. I had to scream but, I used all my strength to hold it in.

He was upon my bush I just knew it. However by some sort of miracle he got distracted by a distant voice.

"Hey lets go down here"

"Uhh okay Ciney"

The voices have been coming from further down the path. I opened my one eye, and saw Pig climb out of the ditch quickly. I continued to hide, I needed to make sure he couldn't see me.

When the people where near me I jumped out of the bush.

"Oh my god are you okay!!"

"No help me," I said in a soft voice.

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