Alluring The Pig Headed Man

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"Ok Robert are you ready?"

I took a deep breath. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

"No...but, the closest to yes that your gonna get."

"Then get out! Get Pigs attention. Go!" Said Ciney pushing me out of the car.

I got out of the car and stood by it for a moment. I could see Pigs little shack up the road, I couldn't tell if Pig was out side it was far too dark.

I was wearing a sweatshirt so I packed things in the pocket that I could access easily. I had a switchblade in the pocket, I made sure that Ciney didn't notice but, I needed it because his plan seems to complicated when I could just go and stab him.

I still was standing at the car letting the freezing breeze hit my face. I took another deep breath but, it was no use at all.

I just started my walk towards his house because I couldn't just stand outside all year. I walked carefully through the dark trees until, I got to the open hill. Which I decided to climb up so I could get to his front door.

Each step made a crunch under my shoes. I scanned the area unable to see anything. Then the darkness started to fill up with red and green streaks. My headache came back, and it was worse then the last.

I couldn't go through with this plan with this migraine. I tried to turn back to the car and leave. I couldn't bring myself to do it though I had to find him.

I stuck my hand in my pocket reaching for the switchblade that I took from Ciney's house. I grabbed it tightly with my trembling hands. I slowly pulled it out hearing the pockets fabrics slowly rip.

When I drew the opened blade from my sweatshirt I held it close to my face, as if it was a flash light. Even though my headache was so severe I continued to walk towards his house.

I was able to make out his front door when I was on the top of the hill. The house brought back terrible memories of torture. I could feel the feeling of sadness and the once inflicted pain all across my body.

The house seemed odd because I looked at s window and part of it was covered. Like if a man was outside in the light. I walked closer to it consciously with my knife raised. I swing at the object but it was just a mannequin.

When the mannequin fell I heard the sound of someone getting off a squeaky couch or sofa. I also heard faint footsteps that were probably being pressed down loudly but, were compressed by the house's walls.

The footsteps stopped at the doorway and I heard the sound of footsteps on the door. I knew Pig was near. I could hear him standing on the door that I broke through. He was hard to see from the dark lighting but, I was able to make out his figure.

He held no weapon in his hand. He did have a human body parts in his hands. I crept towards the door making my knife point towards him. It was strange that he was just standing idle at the door.

He seemed to know that I was here ready to attack him. I really wish we could have brought the cops here.

I once again ignored the headache and ran a Pig. I swung down my blade and it grazed his arm. I tried to stab him again but, he was able to dodge it.

He then put full attention into me.

"You came back? Oh I feel so obliged but, I am not in the mood for you. You do know that going through someone's things isn't aloud? I'm going to cut off those fingers that you used to go through my things. Then tell me how you like it to have your fingers removed. I'll tell you it's not great"

Pig was talking to me as I tried to strike him. It wasn't long before he grabbed my hand and knocked the knife out of it.

"Damn it!"

Pig grabbed my other hand tightly. I head butted him hard that I thought I broke my skull. He let go of my hands instantly.

I wish I hadn't done that because my head was already in pain and that added even more upon it.

Pig grabbed my face and slammed it against his house. He done this repeatedly one after another.

I couldn't take it. My head was on fire and shutting down I couldn't stay up I fell into a deep unconsciousness.

I don't know how much time passed but, I felt my body being bounced around the car. I was on the road on my ways to the factory. I heard sirens in the background. Everything seemed to be in a dim lighted blur.

I looked around and I saw Pig driving the car fast. The cop cars zoomed past him indicating that he wasn't being chased.

"Elliot stop"

"Oh your awake? Well no matter you seem to need your fix"

I saw him open his glove box and pull out the needle that contained the drug substance. He shoved it into my arm and the headache faded as well as my vision and consciousness once more.

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