The Master Plan

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"What!?! Ciney what's going on with you?!?"

"Always with the questions Robert calm down."

"I'll kill you!"

"You couldn't kill my Father could you. No, you were far too scared. You should be more afraid of me because I created him!"

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"Oh it does Robert and Ellie you see, I brainwashed him!"


"I suppose I can tell you. I mean it's not like your getting out of this anytime soon!
*weird chuckle* Yes! I'll tell you guys."

"Everything that has happened so far was my master plan you see. I brainwashed my Father after the car crash, turning him into a confused psycho. It was fun for a while until, he got boring. So I decided I'd kill him but, he had found you already. I was walking up that trail to kill him when you came down the trail. I acted like I was scared when in reality I was developing my plan. I knew that the woman at the hospital could be bribed to telling you to saw she knew my Father and that me and my sister died. She agreed and when you were brought to the hospital she did the deed."

"You faked the whole thing!"

"Not all of it. Elliot was his real name."

"Fine but, who was in the house with Ellie?"

"That was me. I knew that Ellie would get way too scared and hide letting her be to terrified to think straight. I didn't count on her running outside but, I deployed my Father in her car to kidnap her. He luckily succeeded!"

"Why didn't you just kill Pig on the spot"

"Because it's no fun and also I'm not a fan of witnesses. So I always planned on setting him on fire then killing you!"

"You bastard" Ellie shouted.

"Ellie watch your tone I'm the one in control I always have,"

The Man Named Mr. PigWhere stories live. Discover now