The Burning Devil

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I looked at Ciney hard seeing into his dark soul. He switched up the switchblade I borrowed from him. He placed the cold knife on my neck not trying to draw blood yet.

"Now that my brainwashed idiot Father isn't here there's no reason not to kill you both!"

I heard a faint noise from my left I hesitated to look so I just gazed. I saw Pigs burnt corpse lying there. He was all covered in ashes and burns.

I spat at Ciney's face. He deserves to be in the ground. By spitting on Ciney, it caused the knife to press harder on my thin white neck.

He wiped my spit off his face.

"You are going to bleed like the pig my Father was!"

I then heard the sound of tin cans flying and heavy grunting. I saw a black and red man jump at Ciney.

Ciney pulled the knife back to see what the person was. I was unable to make out who it was but, I knew it was trying to save us.

The thing tackled Ciney and was wrestling with him for the knife. I felt blood roll out of the side of my neck slightly. The blade must have grazed it.

Ellie and I started to wiggle our chairs trying to break loose. I saw the black figure rip the knife out of Ciney's hand and it handed it to me.

I started to cut the ropes that bounded me to the chair. I kept moving the knife slightly to the side and back until I was loose. I pulled up ripping out the one binding. I cut my other hand free and began to work on my feet.

Eventually I was free and ran to Ellie. I was able to cut her free quickly. Ellie ran out of her hand and to the door. I looked at the thing and it was a burnt man.

I looked for Pigs body and it was no where to be found. The thing was Pig!

Pig picked Ciney off the floor and threw him into a gas pipe. The pipe began to firm poisonous gas into the factory. 

I ran to the door and saw a broken light bulb. I figured if I was to turn on the light the place would go up in flames killing everyone in it.

I heard Pig scream at Ciney.


Pig then began to beat down on Ciney. Ciney was smarter then he looked and grabbed a scalpel. He jabbed it into Pigs side. I was about to flick the light switch but, I felt like I had to go back for Pig.

I ran towards Ciney and kicked him in the face and grabbed Pigs arm and tugged him back. Pig got up and started to kick Ciney.

"Go! I'm going to burn this place to the ground!"

Pig ran back out of the factory and I followed. But, I felt a hand on my leg keeping me from escaping.

"You are not leaving me here!"

I tried to shake Ciney lose but, I fell down instead. Ciney picked up his knife and tried to stab me in the chest. I pushed him off and ran to the door.

He was close behind but, I managed to pull down the switch and run out of the building. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and got fire race close to me.

Ciney also ran out of the factory but, he was on fire. He continued to run towards me and tried to tackle me to set me on fire as well. The whole time I heard loud screams of agony.

I felt him fall down on me. The fire swept up my body and all I could see was red embers. I then saw Ciney get jumped by Pig again. I rolled on the ground putting out the flames. I saw Pig jump off a ledge with Ciney on fire.

I got up and ran to the ledge but, all I saw was two men face first in the dirt. I felt sadness come into my heart. Pig wasn't a bad man he was just tricked. Now he later dead in the ground.

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