Chapter 4

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Frederick arrived at Weaversbrook's publishing house, intending on collecting a report from Samantha. He hadn't heard from her or the two officers who he sent with her. Even with all that was happening, he didn't think much of it since Samantha wasn't truly Jack's enemy and the officers who were with her were not the best of his men. Thinking they had gone off to laze around, Frederick sent some officers ahead of him to find the missing officers. His men had yet to report back on that matter and he didn't give it much thought for now.

His rational mind was stretched thin and most of his judgments weren't the best. Jack was doing mighty well with unhinging the inspector from his usual calm and collected self. He was being reminded of his primal emotions, the ones that made him a victim to his own darkness. Who would have thought that fear was such a strong poison to the mind, corrupting even the most level-headed into a desperate madness? Shaking his head, Frederick stopped the carriage just outside the publishing house. Upon entering the place, Frederick was confused as to why Arthur Weaversbrook was alone.

"Inspector?" The man smiled at Frederick in relief, confusing the inspector even more."Thank goodness you've arrived, your officers informed me that you sent that young girl to help me."

"That I did." He nodded, not admitting that it was really Evie's idea. "But I see she's not here."

"She never came inspector." Weaversbrook told him in a slight panic, "No one ever saw her or the officers that you sent with her. I just found out."

Frederick's blood went cold, Samantha never arrived? Where was she? "Never? At all!?"

When Weaversbrook confirmed that no one ever saw the girl, Frederick started shouting orders at his men. They began to search the area, thinking maybe she was somewhere nearby. Just then an officer arrived and hurried over to the Inspector; apparently, the bodies of the two missing officers were found dead in an alleyway and the carriage was found several blocks away with its doors torn off.

"There was no blood and no sign of struggle." The officer reported, "A witness said they say a man abandon the carriage after searching it and no one was with him. We believe the girl escaped before any harm came to her."

The inspector wasn't too sure of that and demanded that someone find Evie Frye. "She's the only person who can find her and let's hope Jack doesn't find Samantha first."


Samantha was rather surprised that she managed to easily clear the train of the traitorous Rooks. They were all rather irresponsible as they were busy drinking themselves to death to really notice her laying them to waste. The train's staff (an accountant, conductor, and apprentice) were eternally grateful that the young woman freed them from the Rooks' grasp.

"Thank you, miss!" The accountant woman sighed with relief. "Those louts, a disgrace to the Rook name!"

Samantha nodded and asked where the train was heading. When she was informed that they were heading to the other side of Whitechapel and from there it'd be heading to Southwark, she began to question what the staff knew of four girls who once lived on the train. The accountant was rather knowledgeable of these former lodgers and even provided Samantha with a photograph of the girls.

"This is them." She said, handing Samantha worn picture. The photograph showed the four girls standing beside Jacob, Evie, and Henry Green in front of the train. Upon seeing the photo herself, the woman gasped in shock. "Oh my! You look just like Mr. Frye's late lover."

The photograph was not even in her hands for four seconds when she unintentionally froze. Lover? To Jacob Frye? Samantha immediately blushed as it never occurred to her what kind of relationship she had with the assassins. She didn't really feel comfortable thinking about that and brushed off the idea. For now at least.

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