CHAPTER 14- And The World Stopped Turning

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CHAPTER 14- And the World Stopped Turning


Maria got out of her mother's car after she gave him a kiss as he handed her her gown. She stood outside the door of Kisses' house with her Mom as she and Maymay will be here preparing for the night's Prom event.

"Oh I can't believe you have all grown up as fine, young ladies." Mrs. Eleanor Fabiana said as she and her daughter walked in to the Delavin Mansion. "Look at you. All getting ready to be dolled up.?"

Maria rolled her eyes and laughed slightly at her mom. "Mom, maybe you forgot that you doll me up almost everyday of my life." Maymay and Kisses snickered together with their Moms.

Carrie Delavin ushered them inside and they headed into Kisses' room where Maymay and Kisses' gown was already displayed. Eleanor placed Maria's gown beside the other two girls' gown. Carrie's phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and a few moments later turned it off. "Cora and the other artists are already her. I'll get them."

She got out of the room and left the five to themselves. "Are you excited?" asked Melissa, Maymay's mom.

"Yes," Maymay answered. "But I guess we are a bit haggard over the preparations, as far as I'm concerned, Yong is still there with his other male group mates to make the final prep for the Prom."

"Don't worry about that, girls. I'll make sure that you will be the most beautiful in tonight's event. The people will be talking about you and your dates will not be looking at anyone else but you." It was Cora, ever the dramatic entrance queen and Kisses' favorite cousin. She is also a part time model and make-up artist. The girls giggled at the sight of her.

"Cora!" Kisses looked up from her notebook, were she scribbling the final reminders for the Prom. She stood up and gave her a big hug which was followed by the other girls.

"Hello girls!" she said, as she hugged back. She looked at Kisses from Head to toe. "Look at you! Wow! You are a goddess! Didn't I tell you before that you are beautiful! My eyes never misses one when I see one."

"Stop flattering me.' Kisses remarked, turning a bit red in embarrassment. "But anyways, thank you."

"That's right! You should know when someone isn't lying. So anyways, I brought her Cassandra and Alexandra to help me with your hair and make-up." The two groups exchanged greetings with each other. The mothers decided to leave them for a while and chat with each other in the sun room.

"Okay let me see your gowns." The three girls led them to their gowns. Upon sight of the gowns, the three artists swooned at their beauty.

"Oh, you'll look so beautiful in those!" Cassandra said.

"I guess we'll have to clean them out with all that we've got. I'm so ready." Alexis second. They immediately grabbed a girl each: Cassandra with Maymay, Alexis with Maria and lastly Cora with Kisses.

Kisses sat back as Cora started working on her hair. "Come on now, darling. Don't look so stressed out."

"Yeah, I know, right? I just feel bad about Yong and Tanner," Kisses said as she rested her chin on her palm. Realizing that she was making it hard for Cora to fix her hair, she sat straight. "Oh sorry!"

"It's okay. Wanna tell me about it?" Cora offered.

Kisses thought about it and decided to tell her. She started out with Tanner and soon headed to how Yong reacted to it.

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