Prologue- Section II

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"Paris! Oh, I missed you so much!" Willow walked into arrival area of the airport as she took off her sunglasses. She was holding her phone to her ears as she spoke to her elder sister "Yes, Cora. I'm already here. I'm still waiting for my luggage. See you in a while." She closed her phone and stood up waiting for her things. As soon as she got it, she quickly made it through the gate to meet with her older sister, Cora.

"Willow Tiffany Waddell!" she shrieked as soon as she saw her 20 year old sister going out of the automatic glass doors. Willow also shrieked at the sight of her sister. She laughed as she ran to her and gave her a big, big hug. The people looked at the two crazy girls as they jumped up and down in glee.

Cora grabbed her by the cheeks and started squashing her face and baby talking her. "Oh, my baby sister, look at you. Big sis misses you so much!" She showered kisses on Willow's face and hugged her again. "Three months felt like years."

"Haha! Cora, stop it. You are smothering me." Willow breathed deeply as soon as Cora took her out of her death grip. They took her things and headed to Cora's car.

Willow was munching on a blueberry bagel Cora brought with her. "You are the best, you should know that."

"Of course, it's not difficult to know that once you get here, you're already hungry and can eat a whole elephant." Cora chuckled at the look on Willow's face. She looked scandalized by her statement.

"I don't eat like that!" she countered. Cora continued chuckling as she drove away. She was to pass by her studio to leave her things there and grab their lunch.

Willow decided to continue her studies in Paris. She spent her 1st year of college in California because their parents still wanted her to be there, but soon Willow thought that she wanted to stay with her older sister and study in the same school where she took up Fashion Design. One more reason that led her to Paris was the Theater Club of the school was one of the bests in Europe. Oh how she loved theatre.

"Where do you want to go after this?" Cora asked as she was serving herself a bite of chow mien as they decided to go Chinese.

"Hmm," Willow tapped her spoon by her mouth, thinking. "I think I already roamed around Paris the last time I came here. How about we go to my school? I haven't got the chance to see it three months ago. Also can we have dinner somewhere near the Eifell Tower later? I want to see it at night time."

Cora chortled. "You know, of all the many things to do here in Paris, you really choose to go to school in which, you, will be coming to in three days time. So very you, Willow."

Willow smiled at her and said in a very dreamy voice. "Of course, you know how much I enjoy school. I haven't even got a boyfriend because I'm married to school and theatre."

"Okay okay, I get your point, but anyway, who knows? You might just find the man of your dreams at school" Cora said as they stood up after she paid their bill.

"Man of my dreams..." Willow suddenly looked contemplative.

"Anything wrong?" her sister asked. She got out of her momentary trance and looked at her sister.

Willow smiled. "Nothing, just I am having some dreams lately. Weird dreams actually, about a man but I can't recognize him. In my dreams, his face is always in a blur. I can't really put a finger on it. Everything seems so real but I can't actually..." She paused." Anyway leave it behind." Willow snapped back from her deep thinking as she was starting to feel the little pains from an oncoming migraine.

Cora stared at her sister looking as if something was hurting her. She blinked rapidly when her sister looked at her direction and looked forward to focus on her driving. As they neared the school gates, Willow stuck her head out of the window to gaze at the big campus with a big smile plastered on her face. 

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"Wow, the place looks even better than in pictures, Cora!" Willow exclaimed. She quickly got out of the car as soon as her sister found a place to park and looked at the lush grounds, the big field with different bushes, flowering shrubs and trees lined up. Even the buildings looked majestic, fit for a school specializing on the arts. Paris Institute of the Arts and Sciences, her dream school.

While the sisters were busy looking around the school, one person stopped in his tracks as he dropped the books he just bought and watched them with a very shocked look on his face.


Hello everyone! As you can see above, the winner of the poll I created is the name Willow!! (Clap!!!!)

Here she comes as the entrance for When Love and Hate Collide! And let us all welcome back CORA!!! Atta Girl!!

Get ready everyone for another rollercoaster ride! What do you think is up? W

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