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Mom and Dad looked at me. They heard about what happened at Prom and are surprised by the news of me having a boyfriend.

"Let me get this straight. This Edward is the same Edward you were telling us about for the past five years? Right?" My Dad said as he sat across me. Mom looked at me inquisitively maybe trying to process the idea of me having a boyfriend or maybe my boyfriend being my long time enemy.

"Yes Dad. He is the same Edward Barber, but I'm telling you he isn't the same as he was before. Uhm, well maybe to me, yes but he's a good boyfriend to me." I paused for a while, trying to read his facial expression.

He did not react at first. My Mom clutched bot hands in front of her chest suddenly squealing in glee."Oh my, I can't believe you are a lady now. Did he give you that?" she said as she pointed to my bracelet. I smiled as I looked at my bracelet. I nodded. "Oh, that is so sweet. I'm happy for you, honey."

"Thank you, Mom." She hugged me and kissed my forehead. I looked to my Dad. He smiled and shrugged. "Dad?"

"You know we have always trust you in your judgment. I can't see why we should stop now." I smiled at him and gestured him to join the hug which he gladly accepted.

The following morning, I was awoken by the persistent ringing of my phone. I reached it out from my bedside table. "Hello?"

"K, uhm, I don't really know how to break this to you but Tanner, he didn't take the news lightly"

That was enough to make me fully awake. My body tensed up. I wasn't so sure on how to answer Maria. Now that the realization came, I wasn't sure on how I should face Tanner.

"K, you still there?" Maria asked.

I blinked rapidly and answered. "Uh yes. Did you get to see him last night?"

She filled me up on their confrontation with Stephanie and he now knew about Steph's relationship with Edward. "I guess he felt betrayed by us."

A few more minutes of talking, we decided to cut it. I placed my phone on my bedside table and heard a knock on my door. Dad's head popped up and said, "Can I come in?"

"Good morning Dad. Sure." I watched him as he closed the door behind him. He stood behind me as he took the brush and started brushing my hair.

"Come on Dad. I'm not a little girl anymore." I chuckled.

"Now you are hurting me. Whatever age you are, you will always be Daddy's little girl to me, so don't stop me from doing this." Dad continued brushing my hair and I grabbed one of his hands and squeezed it.

"Anything bothering you?" he asked.

"Maria called. She said Tanner is furious." I breathed heavily as I told him this.

"So I've heard. I was passing by when I heard your conversation with her. I can't help but eavesdrop for a little bit." He stopped his brushing and sat beside me. "Tanner loves you, I believe, more than just a friend or a sister."

"You know?" I asked him, quite surprised.

"Of course. I'm a man. Just by looking, I know he loves you more than you think."

"Now you are making me feel bad." I said as I took out a breath I did not realize I was holding.

My Dad laughed lightly. "He will feel bad now but let him go through it. He'll have to realize that he can't control your feelings and one way or another you will still have to choose between the two of them."

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