I'm Never Letting You Out of My Sight

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I was awoken yet again feeling a pair of lips leaving trails on my neck. A smile made its way onto my face as I relaxed into his touch. Tilting my head back, the Uchiha's lips continued moving up kissing every spot. Trailing my hands through his soft hair, I felt his every touch, including the rapid breaths moving from his lips.

I had spent the night with Sasuke....again...over the course of 8 months I had begun to learn that Sasuke was a very demanding guy, and never backed down from getting his way. He had insisted to me last time I was over that I had to come over once more, but this time in a few days. We both knew it was risky for me to be out of the village so often, going on non-existing missions and staying over here for days, but one of us chose to ignore that little fact, or at least was very stubborn about it. I told Sasuke that it was dangerous for us to be seeing each other so often, but he always said "I'll handle it." And he always did. But I still couldn't help but worry.

I don't know what it was about him, or how the hell he did it. Somehow.....he always managed to get his way. It could have been poor luck or fate, but either way, Sasuke always won. Maybe he's one of those guys who never took no for an answer, but whatever the case, it sucked for the opposer.

Nobody would of ever pegged him as the touchy feely type, or the one who would fall in love with someone, nonethless put his heart and soul out there....but he is. Sasuke was the ost emotional guy I had ever met. He just held it all in inside, and it took a lot for him to let someone in and be with them. Sasuke wanted me by his side all of the time, and when I was over he rarely let me out of his sight.

Sasuke was one of those kids that in preschool who would burn the other child to ashes because they touched his toy. So guess who was the toy in this scenario? He had a fit when a guy even glanced at me. Every time we went out of the base to go do something, which wasn't very often do to this very reason, he would claim that guys were staring at me.... and Sasuke...being the brute that he was, would go up to the guy, give them the stink eye, and would leave. Hell...those poor men probably shit their pants getting that look. That was one of Sasuke's tricks, all he would have to do was stare at a complete stranger, and long enough to make them uncomfortable, which wasn't long, and they would leave or cower and run away. He mainly just did that to get his way though.

I remember that one time that Sasuke used the stink eye on me, well...Lets say he never tried it again.

Sasuke did have his sweet moments though; he had changed a lot ever since his darker days. He had forgotten all about his revenge and now that was behind him. Sasuke wanted to start a new life, and have me be a part of it. He wanted me to help rebuild his clan as he put it, but we knew we both weren't ready for that yet. We had to settle down and make sure we were ready to have a family first.

Sasuke slowly worked his way up from my neck and to my lips, trailing his hands gently on the outside of my thighs but holding me closely to him. Sasuke kissed the sides of my mouth gently moving to my lips. I was dressed in a tank top and shorts, and Sasuke, was shirtless as usual. The only thing he had on was his boxers. I mean, I wasn't complaining or anything, but whenever I told him to get some clothes on he just smirks and says "Why would I do something so cruel?"

We made a deal that he had to keep his boxers on...at least....now... It wasn't that I didn't want them off.... but it was just that we had his team staying here and him being so comfortable walking around like that had come to bite both of us in the ass sometimes. His team mates tended to help themselves, and barge in with news or something else to tell him. I gave been changing before and suigetsu barged in once. And another time It was suigetsu who barged in with news while me and sasuke were in the middle of a very heated makeout session. I'll just leave it at that. And it was everyone that did that, Suigetsu being the worst culprit.

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