I Can't Live Without You By My Side

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I lay next to him not wanting to let him go. Our moments together were limited, and I knew we didn't have much time left.

"I...I won't let go..." I whisper trying to keep my eyes open. He had his arms around my waist, with me laying on top of him.

"I won't let go...." He whispers gently next ot me. I began coughing rashly and Sasuke tightens his grip on me trying to comfort me. I cough up some blood beside him. Our bodies were both badly cut, and I felt his blood all over my body.

"I wish I could be with you forever." I sigh and look into his eyes. They were halfway open and looked like he was struggling to keep them awake.

"Well...I don't think...we willl be. I'm probably going to die soon...but Sasuke....I want you to know that I love you and want to stay with you." He shakes his head slightly.

"I wish I could stay with you as well...but please...don't die. If you die, then I shall die here with you." I look at him and stuggle to move my hands but I couldn't.

"Sasuke, if I don't make it then I want you to do whatever that you can to live. I want you to live on and find someone else to be with." He sighs.

"You know I could never do that...you were the only girl that I ever loved...no other girl could be like you." I could feel a tear sliding down my face.

"You don't know that." I grunt from the pain I was feeling and take a deep breath trying to stop it.

"No...Makiko, stay with me a little longer." He coughs up some blood.

"Please...." He hugs me tighter. At every second I could feel my eyes getting heavier but I kept them open for him. I put my head against his chest and listen to his heartbeat. It would get slower and faster. Tears were running down my face. I didn't know who would be gone first, or if one of us would live. But what if the other died? What would the one who was alive do? I wouldn't be able to bring myself to live without him, and I knew he wouldn't accept anyone else but me.

I could feel my body becoming nummer by the second. Sasuke was holding on just for me, and using his last strength to stay alive. I didn't want to die, I didn't want him to die. I still had so much I wanted to do. I wanted to have kids someday...his kids... and now, it was taken away from me. I wrap my arms around his neck and sob into his neck.

"Don't worry Makiko, everything's gonna...be...ok...soon we'll be together again..." I look up at him.

"Don't speak like that." I hear no reply. "S..Sasuke?" There is no reply.

"Sasuke? Sasuke?!" I lean down and listen to his heartbeat. It had slowed down substanically. I am comforted when I feel his hand on my back rubbing me slightly.

"Looks like my time is up." He says sadly. I bring my lips down to his and give him one last kiss before he is gone.

"I'll miss you..." I whisper looking into his eyes before his life slips away. His hand falls from my waist and hits the ground. I couldn't believe it, and it took a second to click. I didn't want to believe he was gone, and I didn't want to accept it, but I knew I had to.

"Sasuke...no...." I say gently and put my hand on his cheek.

"Sasuke...I love you so much... and I know I will never forget your touch." I say quietly. His face was pale, and I could feel his body heat fading fast. The longer I looked at his face the more I felt my heart ache. I close my eyes and lean down onto his chest. I was tired, and now that I saw him gone, I had nothing to wait for. I watched him leave and spent every moment possible with him. If he was gone, then that meant that I could see him again, all I would have to do is close my eyes and rest. And so I did exactly that. I take a deep breath, before I let my life slip away.

second one shot

A tear runs down my cheek. I lay down next to my wounded lover. I slowly rub his cheek. 'Oh Sasuke...please...' I slowly lean down to his face. His eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted.

"Sasuke..." I whisper leaning down and kissing his lips ever so gently. I felt a tear come down my cheek.

"Please don't die...Please..." I rub his cheek. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles gently at me

. "Hey..." he whispered with a little humor added to his voice. "Sasuke!" I wrapped my arms around him tightly and gently lifted him up and put his head in my lap. He coughs a bit.

"Well...this may be the end for me." I shake my head no.

"Don't talk like that." Tears had been continually running down my face, and I felt like a puddle. If I lost him...I don't know what I would do to survive... he was my world...

"Please don't cry..." Sasuke says smiling weakly. Was he okay with how thing's were going? Was he okay with dying like this?

"How can I not cry? I love you..." I said barely managing to speak. I knew that if I started to sob there would be no stop.

"I love you too...I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. But I guess fate had a different idea of what I was meant to do." I put my hand gently on his cheek.

"Sasuke...please don't leave me..." "It's not my choice. If it was I wouldn't be away from you for a second." I shake my head.

"Rest...and I will join you." I wouldn't be able to live without him, if he died, then I would be sure to follow. I would not let him die alone.

"No. You shall live on. Wait until your time comes." I shake my head.

"Sasuke...I...I can't." he had to understand. He had to understand how much I cared and loved him.

"You can and you will." He says in a strict voice. After a moment his gaze on me softens.

"Promise me...that you will do whatever you can to live a long and happy life." I nod. If it was his last wish then I would do so. I would try to live on...and live a happy life...just for him.

"I will try..." Sasuke smiles as he closes his eyes. Tears continually go down my cheeks. I lay down next to Sasuke and wrap my arms around his body.

"Rest my love... I shall never leave you." I wait beside him until his moment comes, and pray that the gods will be with him.

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