He Won't Hurt You Again

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Mikaru sighed. She was sitting in the corner doing nothing. She should have never come. The only reason she did come was because Naruto wanted her to, and he kind of forced her to. And now when she got home she was going to be busted. Her dad was going to through a fit. He was going to beat her for coming to the party.

She was supposed to be at home cleaning up all the liquidor bottles. He drank every night. That's all he ever did. There was no father or daughter time. it was just her. No friends ever came over because she was scared that everyone would think she was weird. And of course she didn't have any friends really. except Naruto and Sakura.

Mikaru never talked to Sasuke. Besides, even if she did what she was told her dad would think of a different excuse and make up something else. So honestly, would you behave and get punished or miss behave and get punished. What was better? but was it really worth it?

With Naruto- "hey Sasuke. Now's your chance. Go and say hi." "i don't think so you idiot. you don't know anything about girls" "stop calling me idiot. And it wouldn't hurt either. and i do know about girls. just go up to her and scoop her up in your arms. say oh i love you. you know, kinda like how it is in movies." "it doesn't work that way in real life you idiot."

"okay. this is it sasuke. you need to stop worrying about it. just go and talk to her." "no." "fine. if you arn't going to do it my way then i'll make you go in with her." "you wouldn't dare." "oh yes i would." "don't you dare!" "im the one who invited her to the party. and u know you would like it. if you know what i mean. you need some romance in your life. and i know just the way to do it." sasuke looked away. Sasuke wasn't going to budge.

"fine. everyone! look here!" everyone stopped what they were doing. even mikaru looked up.

"7 minutes in heaven!" naruto yelled. sasuke could tell that he had a plan to get them together. he had no idea what it was but he knew it was going to require getting them in there together. and sasuke didn't know if he could control himself. sasuke turned red just thinking about it.

"naruto! what do you think you're doing?!" sasuke yelled whispered in his ear so only he could hear it.

"oh come on sasuke. i warned you. besides. you are going to love me after this." "you idiot!" "okay okay. so everyone gather around in a circle. " mikaru did not move. she didn't want to get involved in this. what was naruto trying to do to her? was he trying to kill her or something? she didn't move. naruto noticed and walked over to her.

"come on mikaru. if your going to make friends then you have to participate." "naruto. the whole point of going in that closet is to make out with the one whom you pick. that's so not cool. what are you trying to do?" naruto smiled one of his evil smiles.

"if you come to the party then you have to party with us. it's common sense. come on." he didn't give her a chance to answer and just dragged her up. he pulled her into the middle in the circle. so much for staying unnoticed. Naruto sat down next to mikaru. She looked very uncomfortable and so did sasuke. Naruto noticed and smiled to himself. Sasuke was secretly giving him evil glares. Wondering why he was doing this to him and torturing him like this.

"sasuke. It's my party so I get to decide who get's to go first. And I choose you" "go to hell naruto." Sasuke muttered. Sasuke was handed the bottle and he sighed. This sucked. Sasuke then spun it. It went around and around and as if in slow motion it landed on mikaru. For some reason it was kind of ironic that naruto made sasuke go and for some reason he was very confident that mikaru was going to get chosen along with sasuke. All the girls got a look of jealousy and so did the boys. Nobody ever talked to mikaru but she was a very pretty girl and everyone knew it. Mikaru just didn't show her interest in boys.

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