I Will Stay

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Once again I was laying in bed with Sasuke. It was mid day right about now, and he just finished his training with Orochimaru. His arms were wrapped around me, with my head buried in his chest. Sasuke had his back to the door, as usual...Sasuke was never the type of guy to let his guard down, nor matter what he was doing. He was one of those people who always planned ahead. For example, when he slept with his back to the door, he thought of it as shielding me. If someone attacked the base, his body would be shielding mine, and the enemy hopefully wouldn't know I was in there.

Also, his other reason was when someody opened the door, they would think Sasuke was asleep, and hopefully not wake him up helping him get out of whatever they wanted him to do. unfortunitly that plan didn't always work.

I take a long deep breath at how cold it was in this room. Even though we were in the middle of the desert, I would still freeze me ass off. Because the base was underground, we didn't get the heat we would of gotton if the base was aboveground. Orochimaru had never heard of the concept of a blanket. It always seemed that I was the only one who was cold, nobody else suffered, it was always me.

Sensing I was cold, Sasuke pulled me closer and tried to give me more of his body heat. He kisses my forehead. "Please get some rest. The longer you're awake the longer i'm awake. I want to go to sleep." Yea Yea, it's totally my fault that you can't get to sleep. He was such a ass sometimes. Although, I was always the only one who could order him around. Whenever anyone else told him to do something it was always a shrug off, and a 'yea right'. Sometimes he did like to play the tough guy and even I can't tell him what to do. " I can't go to sleep until I know that you're comfortable." I smile. He did have his sweet moments though. I laid my head down in his chest and close my eyes, falling asleep to Sasuke running his hands through my hair.

Sasuke POV

I smile at her when I felt her fall asleep. She was the only other thing I cared about besides my revenge. Etsuko was beutiful, and had a lot of spirit. She wasn't the strongest girl I had met, but she had the determination that many others didn't. When I told her she couldn't stay at the base with me, because it was too dangerous, she went on and on about how she couldnt leave and there was no way I was getting rid of her that easily. I never bothered trying it again, I wasn't in for that kind of torture. There was only so much nagging a guy could take.

Besides, I was suprised Orochimaru even let her stay... He was probably keeping her around to use her for leverage in the future. It was either that, or he decided to let me have my way beacuse he knew he wouldn't get his precious body. Unknown to him he wasn't getting it anyway. This was my body, his purpose had been fulfilled, and I still needed to fullfill mine.

My revenge wasn't complete, and neither was the restoration of my clan. I look down at Etsuko. She was going to help me complete my goal, and there was nobody I would rather have help me other than her. I loved her. I wrap my arms tightly around her and just hold her in my arms. I close my eyes and enjoy her company.

"Ninja Art, Super Beast Scroll." I hear someone whisper. My eyes narrow. Whoever was about to interrupt my private time was about to cross a line. I listened closely to give me an idea as to who it was. When somebody went into my room they didn't sneak around like this. They knew to make me aware of who they were immediatly or I was going to attack.So I knew this wasn't someone from the base, it was an intruder.

I listened and heard snakes hissing. I couldn't move and attack, or Etsuko would be exposed, and he could turn on her. I didn't know who this guy was, so I had to be cautious. I heard the snakes slither across the floor and crawl up beside my bed.

"Who's there?" I say lazily.

"So, you do know i'm here. Well, regardless, I still have the advantage." The man said.

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