You Left Me...Suddenly you've returned?

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Sasuke one shot

Your name is Erisa

"honey, time to get ready for school!" you heard your mom yell. You groaned, and slowly got out of bed. Today was Saturday, and you had to get out of bed. you were not a morning person. You just had to get up early. your hair was already fuzzy, you smelt bad, and you had black circles underneath your eyes, and you looked terrible. You got dressed in your usual outfit, and slowly began walking down the stairs.

" what do you want mom?" you asked tiredly as you walked over to her. She was in the kitchen, doing dishes, and it was 6:00 in the morning. How weird could she be?

" you have training today. Kakashi wants you to meet him at the bridge today. I don't want you to be late." now that woke you up. " what?! Today's my only day off! I've got training?! You've got to be kidding me!!" you yelled.

" don't raise your voice at me young lady! Now get going before your late for practice." your mom yelled at you. You ran out the door, slamming it behind you. You kept running and running, until you felt like you had gotten far enough from your house.

" stupid mother. Does she have to listen to Kakashi?" you asked to nobody. Then you bumped into something, which knocked you to the ground, which of course knocked you out of your thoughts. You got up and saw that it was Gaara.

" oh, sorry about that Gaara." you said rubbing the back of your head in a geeky way like Naruto does. not gonna lie, but you were extremely frightened. Gaara was merciless. you hoped that he would just let you off the hook but sometimes people arn't that lucky. Gaara was known to over react and kill for the simplilest of reasons.. He forcefully grabbed your wrists, pulled you up off the ground, and forced your arms behind your back.

"Gaara! please stop! im sorry, i...i didn't realize what i was doing! im sorry." you yelled trying to break free of his grasp. But it was no use. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get free. the more you struggles, the more that his sand wrapped around you.

" you should know I hate it when people touch me, or get in my way. i will make you pay." he said in a very deadly voice. You closed your eyes wishing that the pain he was causing you would stop.

"let her go." you open your eyes at the familiar voice and look and see sasuke standing there. he had on that emotionless expression of his, but yet there was also something you had never seen his his eyes before. you couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was though.

"uchiha....who are you to order me around?" "i will say it again. let her go." sasuke said not liking to repeat himself.

"uchiha...if you get in my way, then i will be forced to kill you too....." the sand that was slowly wrapping around you tightened. you stiffened, starting to have trouble breathing. what were all the shin-obi doing right now? hello? you were in a crisis here. "besides. what are you going to do if i don't?"

the sand was getting tighter and tigheter by the second. sasuke ran foreword, and in no time was right next to gaara having a kunai at his neck. Gaara's sand was blocking it just a inch away from his neck. sasuke's eyes narrowed. "if you insist on getting in my way then i will have no choice.." Gaara said. a pile of sand went after sasuke, sasuke jumped back and ran. you just watched. 'how could he be evading all of the sand like that?'

"sasuke!" you yell. the sand caught up to him grabbing his leg and swinging him around. it threw him into the ground. Gaara smiled. "uchihaaaa...."he walked over to sasuke, and the sand that was around you and released. you fall in a heap trying to catch your breath. Gaara takes out a kunai.

"sasuke....." Gaara says menacingly. he lifts sasuke up by his hair.

"sasuke!" you yell running over to him trying to get there in time. Gaara brings the kunai down to his neck, and slices. "NOOO!" you scream. there is a giant poof of smoke.

Sasuke Uchiha One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ