Alone Time

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I sigh. It was a rainy night once again. The sky's were dark, and there was only the moon lighting up the path we were going on. It was probably the middle of the night and we were still traveling. Sasuke had been making us travel so much lately, and not with many breaks. He was getting closer and closer to his revenge, and that was his goal. He was so close but yet at the same time it was so far out of his reach. Sasuke had been so busy lately, we barely had any time together. To be honest I was missing it. I knew he was the leader of the team, and had things to do, so I never said anything.

I was walking next to Sasuke, and the rest of the team were behind us. I look back at the them. They all looked exhausted. Sasuke had been making us travel more than usual lately because he had word of Itachi. Suigetsu was exhausted by the looks of him. He needed a rest, as usual. He sure got tired easily. But he was a walking fish so I guess that was understandable. Karin was all hunched over and walking slower by the second, but she was probably trying to keep up to make herself look strong to Sasuke. Juugo was remaining strong but I could tell he was useing th power of the curse mark to keep himself from getting tired.

The reason I wasn't so tired was because all I had to do was ask Sasuke for a rest and would give in every time. Plus, when we didn't have time to stop Sasuke would carry me and let me sleep in his arms. So I had an advantage over him because I was his GF of course. I win. Period. Out of the corner of my eye I look up at him. He was walking foreword and not glancing back at the team or at me in the slightest.

Out of nowhere Karin started being random and lusty and walked up next to Sasuke, pushing herself inbetween me and him. Um....Hello....He has two sides! Sasuke stopped walking and looked at her. She grabs his hand and Sasuke raises an eyebrow at her. The rest of the team stops and watched her antics also. "Don't touch me." He said plainly. She doesn't let go of his hand and I just watch her to see what scheme she had come up with.

"sasuke.....can we stop? I'm tired....We could go off and it would give us some alone time...." "No." He pulls his hand out of her grip and grabs my hand, pulling me back to his side.

"Karin. Stop wasting my time." She looks down at the ground sad that her little plan with Sasuke didn't work.

"We have word of Itachi's location. We need to hurry and get there before he moves his position. There is no time to waste. If you don't like it then stay behind and waste your own time, not mine." Sasuke said harshly. I could feel myself flinching at his words. But then I remembered how his hand was holding mine, and I smile to myself. Sasuke tugs me foreword as we start walking again, this time at a faster pace. Dammit Karin. You couldnt keep your hormones in check. Now he was annoyed and angry. Sasuke let's go of my hand and I felt myself longing to be close to him. I would ignore it, for now.

10 more minutes went by and even my feet were starting to hurt. Was this boy made out of steel or something? 'Ok, it's time to work my womanly charm. I'm tired.' I take my hood down and I walk in front of him. Sasuke stops walking. He looks down at me questioningly. The rest of the team notices and they stop walking too probably cheering me on inside their heads. When Karin attempted this everyone was [robably secretly praying that she would roll over and die. But if anyone had a chance of getting their way then it was me. I smile and grab his hands. "'m getting tired, and you're team look's tired. Do you think we could stop for a bit?" He blinks a couple times.

" Yuki, we've already had a couple of breaks today. The more breaks we take the more time we loose." Sasuke said sternly. He was being a lot more gentle in his wording then he was with Karin, and you know why? Because he loves me! Boo yah! I get really close to him and put my hands on his chest looking at him in a sexy way.

Sasuke Uchiha One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang