Swap? Heck No!

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Shine: WE GOT OUR FIRST DARE!* ahem* sorry about that.

123cat9 a friend of mine ( hey that rhymed ) Dared ink and error to switch jobs for a day.

Ink: What?! No! I don't want to destroy my AUs.

ErRoR: DoSe It LoOk LiKe I wAnT tO "cReAte" ThEm EtHeR sHoRtY? I dOnT eVeN tHiNk I cAn Do That.


Shine: We're not doing this again, Sorry Kat but unless Ink goes bonkers and Error decideds to start creating that ain't gonna happen, unless we get Eraser and Reboot but there in another AU and I'm to lazy to get them.

Ink: Thank stars.

Geno: What's going on?

Reaper: What's with the yelling?

Ink: Sorry, and um didn't Shine tell you she started a ask book for us.

Geno: .......I have a bad feeling about this.


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