Blushy Blushy

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Shine: And we're back with a dare from Aarmau200 and Runkino~<3: i dare ink to make error blush entesively that he can't say anything~~~~~~~!!!!!, ٩( ᐛ )و I agree! Ink flirty Error pls~Make him blush~ ( ̄∀ ̄)/ *hail all sinner lol*

Ink: What! No. You guys already made us kiss, there is no way I'm doing this!

Shine: Ink, it's a dare you have too.

Ink: Well I don't even know how to flirt!

Shine: Just say a funny pickup line.

Ink: I don't know any pickup lines!

Shine: Well figure something out, I'm gonna to get something to drink see ya Ink.

Ink: Ok. So just make Error blush, yeah this will be easy he makes me blush all the time so this will be easy, right? Right!

ErRoR: wHo ArE yOu TaLkInG tO iNkY?

Ink: Gah! Error when did you get here?!?

ErRoR: hEhE dOnT wOrRy I jUsT cAmE uP hErE. hEy YoU oK? yOu SeAm KiNdA jUmMpY. 

Ink: Well ummm........I just got a dare I don't want to do.

ErRoR: iT cAnT bE aLl ThAt BaD, lEt Me SeE.

Ink: Umm ok. *shows him the dares* I don't want to do these.

ErRoR: .........*blushing* wHy Do YoU pEoPle KeEp DoInG tHiS tO uS? wE dOnT lIkE eAcH oUtHeR lIkE tHaT, wErE jUsT fReNdS. 

Ink: R-right!

Shine: LIES!!!!! 

Ink and ErRoR: SHUT UP!! 

Shine: Never, besides I like annoying you two.

ErRoR: uGhH!


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