Pocky Love

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Shine: Back again with a dare from Runkino~<3: I Dare everyship (except afterdeath bec they have already good tem they should resty~) play pocky docky~ game! ٩( ᐛ ).

Ink: What's the 'pocky game'?

Shine: *le overly dramatic gasp* You don't know what the pocky game is!

Ink: Umm no that's why I'm asking.

Geno: 'good tem'? Ummm what?

Shine: Well anyways, the pocky game is when two players bite on the opposite ends of the pocky, they start to eat it and the first one to the middle wins! The first person to let go of the pocky loses, understand?

ErRoR: oK, bUt WhErE aRe We GoNnA gEt ThE pOcKys? 

Shine: Right here, I have some.....don't ask me why.

Geno: I'm just glad I don't have to do this.

Shine: So, you know what's supposed to happen?

Geno: Yes, sadly.

Shine: Ok then *hands every other Sans a pocky* find a partner to play with!

Blue: Ok, Fell wanna play? 

Fell: Umm sure. *bites one end of the pocky*

Ink: Hey Error want to play? *bites pocky*

ErRoR: yEaH wHy Not. *bites the other end*

Cross: Hey Dreamy wanna play.

Dream: Hmm ok! *puts pack in his mouth*

Shine: All the rest of the ships refuse to play, oh well I guess they already know what happens!

Geno: Are you gonna start the game?

Shine: Oh right *ahem* Go! Sorry about that.

Ink and ErRoR: *both biting picky as it gets smaller and smaller*

Ink: I win!

ErRoR: dAm It.

Blue and Fell: *biting pocky as it's slowly getting smaller*

Fell: *sudden realization* Oh umm.  *pulls away*

Blue: I win!!

Fell: Hehe yeah.

Shine: Really, just really.

Dream and Cross: *biting pocky it's almost gone*

Shine: Is it bad I really want them to tie?

Dream and Cross: *are suddenly kissing*

Dream: ?!?!?

Cross: !!!!!! *pulls away*

Shine: Yes! At least we got one of the to play correctly!

Geno: Like I said I am so glad I didn't have to play.

Reaper: Well I think it would have been fun~


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