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Shine: We have a question from Kotoriyuu: I dont mind welcome frisk <3 I have a question for ink...uhm *calm down you can do this* well... Would you... Would you accept me as your sister? Please ///^~^///.

Frisk: Thank You, if people are fine with me staying and maybe answering some questions I'll stay!

Shine: Aww don't be shy!

Ink:My sister? I've never had any siblings, but sure! You seem really nice, I'd love to have you as my sister! *hugs Kotoriyuu* 

ErRoR: i DoN't ThInK yOu CaN jUsT dEcLaRe YoU'rE  sIbLiNgS.

Shine: He's right to be siblings you either have to be born from the same parents or to be adopted into a family.

Ink: Oh well then I adopt Kotoriyuu to be my sister!

Shine: Well I'll allow it, but only because I think she'll be a good sister to you Ink and you a good brother to her.

Ink: Yay! You hear that we're siblings! *hugs Kotoriyuu again*

ErRoR: *looks at Kotoriyuu with a look that says if you hurt him I will come after you* 

Geno: Well then, Ink has a sister now...... Is Frisk staying?

Frisk: Yeah I am, beside you need another human around Shine can't do everything by herself! 

Shine: Well I think I've managed pretty well on my own, but I agree it'll be nice having some help.

Ink: Does that mean we can bring in other non-Sans characters now?

Shine: Maybe, I don't want too many non-Sanses though.

Frisk: Why not?

Shine: Well the book is called 'Ask The Multiverse Sanses' not 'Ask The Multiverse Sanses and then some'.

Frisk: Ok true, but still.

Ink: I think it would be fun to have some people who aren't Sanses here!

ErRoR: i ReAlLy DoN't CaRe If Or If We'Re NoT aLlOwInG oThEr cHaRaCtErS tO jOiN.

Geno: I'm fine with it.

Shine: Aren't you and Fresh and Error brothers?

Geno: Um yes, how did we get back to this subject?

Shine: Because I can, anyways it's time for the question of the day!

Ink: Oh can I ask the question!

Shine: Sure.

Ink: Ok so the question of today is do you have any siblings? If so what do they do to drive you crazy?

Shine: Well see you guys later.


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