Mi Amor

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(I apologize for not updating oftenly, but here is another Antonio story, if you don't understand the relationship he shares with Xibalba, I'd read "My Little Nino", it should hopefully clear things up. Please do enjoy, more updates should be occuring soon.)

Xibalba moved fluidly through the kingdom of La Muerte, humming aloud as he searched for his dear mi amor. Though he didn't have any special occasion or event to share with her today, he was in the mood to spend time with someone he cared about. And instantly, the image of his dear wife came to mind. From the looks of it, she wasn't here. Landing on the steps of his wife's castle, he sent a few souls scurrying with a chuckle or two before reminding himself of his task. But he couldn't help himself. He found it so funny how the people just scattered like roaches at the sight of him. It was one of the things he'd never grow tired of doing as a god. Sending another soul shrieking Xibalba cackled to himself, only to hear something he'd been sure he'd probably never hear again.
"Boo!" Whirling around, his face broke into a surprised smile at the sight of the little boy in front of him.
"Well, well. What have we here? Antonio my partner in crime?" The dead little boy giggled, reaching up for the god with wide arms. Hesitantly the diety picked the child up, earning another cry of delight.
"Are you looking to scare some souls as well my little amigo?" Antonio nodded firmly, managing to say around the gap in his tooth,
"Yes!' Xibalba chuckled and set down the boy, only to glance around as he remembered the last time he'd seen the child.
"Antonio, aren't you supposed to be with your abuela? Where is she?" Antonio turned, looking around the crowd of souls. But then the bright grin that once decorated his little skeleton face grew smaller, and smaller. Until it had turned into a little frown.
"I...I don't know." he mumbled,
"Abuela! Abuela! Abuela!" Antonio wailed, now growing frightened. He sniffled, now looking up at Xibalba, eyes wide with fear.
"Do you know where my abuela is?" he asked in a little voice, lacking all the laughter and happiness that had once decorated his features. Xibalba shook his head,
"No chico, I don't." Antonio kept his gaze upon the diety,
"Can you help me find her?" he whispered, hands clasped tightly together. Xibalba looked around, his crimson eyes finding souls upon souls upon souls. Though he didn't want to be the bringer of bad new, things didn't look for the boy. His grandmother probably hadn't gotten far, but among all these souls, it would be like finding a single candle in the Cave of Souls. It seemed like an easy task, but when you looked at it, they nearly all seemed alike. Especially to someone like Xibalba who didn't spend very much time looking at mortals. Not only that, but he wanted to be with La Muerte, and that wasn't going to happen if he spent all day wandering her land with this child.
"I'm sorry chico but..." he faltered, unsure how to break it to the child he'd rather not help. But when he saw the absolutely helpess look in the boy's face, his dark little curls and the slight tremble of his body as he imagined be left alone in this ever moving horde of people, the diety sighed aloud, it would seem his event with La Muerte would have to wait.
"Alright, alright. Let's find your abuela."
The best plan that Xibalba could think of as to find the boy's abuela would be to find La Muerte. From there the goddess could either direct them to the woman's location or take Antonio there herself. So, the pair searched out La Muerte, Xibalba moving towards the aura of his wife while the boy rested in his arms.
"Mi amor! Mi amor!" Called Xibalba, only for a giddy Antonio to mimic him,
"Mi amor!Mi amor!" yelled the child, earning a few curious glances from the souls around them.
"No Antonio, don't say that. She isn't your love, she's my love." murmured Xibalba, shifting the boy in his arms.
"Oh. Okay." Antonio said, nodding solemnly. But a few minutes later, the boy was yelling the same thing again.
"Mi amor! Mi amor!" he sang, causing Xibalba to sigh in faint amusement. There was little he could say to stop the child, so he instead let him call out, using a little bit of magic to locate his dear wife. And only ten minutes had passed when they finally caught sight of the goddess. La Muerte, Lady of the Remembered, was talking to one of the many residents of her land, taking notes as he spoke. But when Xibalba appered, the once chatty man was now scared into silence. La Muerte gazed up with her lovely golden eyes, eyes that always caused her husband to melt.
"Hello Xibalba, did you need something?" The god smiled faintly, giving a cocky smile.
"Well, now that you ask..." but his snarky comment was interrupted by the boy in his arms shrieking,
"Mi amor! Mi amor!" Xibalba quickly hushed Antonio, though his face was as red as tar could possibly get. La Muerte merely laughed, smiling at the pair affectionately.
"Did you teach him that Xibalba?" she teased playfully, earning a stuttering reply in return.
"But honestly Xibalba, what are you doing with Antonio?" Clearing his throat, the god said firmly,
"The chico has lost his grandmother and we needed to know where she was so I could return him to her." La Muerte glanced down at her notepad.
"Well why didn't you just transport yourself to her?" Xibalba shifted his wings awkwardly,
"I don't know what her face looks like so I couldn't. The best plan I could come up with was finding you and going from there." The goddess paused, looked around, and returned her face to the notepad.
"Well then, I'll give you her location right now. I have a few things to tend to so it's up to you to take him to his abuela." Xibalba gave a small nod, no longer so against the idea of helping the boy.
"Gracias mi amor."
Half an hour later, Xibalba had disguised himself as an ordinary soul, walking hand and hand with Antonio towards the relative's location. Looking aroudn Xibalba hefted Antonio onto his shoulders,
"Do you see her chico?" inquired the disguised diety. Antonio squinted, browsing the brightly decorated street. There were buildings on either side, all decorated with streamers and pretty flowers confetti lay strewn upon the ground. People merrily drank and ate and talked and danced together. There was not a single dull moment in the Land of the Remembered, Xibalba knew that much. Antonio suddenly began bouncing on his shoulders,
"I see her! I see her!" he yelled, pointing into the crowd. Xibalba did his best to follow the boy's direction, moving faster when he heard a woman's voice calling out,
"Antonio? Antonio? Where are you mijo?!" Antonio squirmed restlessly on Xibalba's shoulders, causing him to pull the boy down and set him upon the floor. The boy took off like an arrow, bolting into the crowd and into an old woman's arms. The lad was dressed in a deep maroon dress, a pair of glasses around her neck and her grey hair in a loose bun.
"Oh my darling Antonio, where have you been! I've been so worried!" she said between kisses upon the boy's cheeks. Antonio buried his face against her chest.
"I...I lost you..." he whispered, clutching to his abuela tightly. Xibalba watched this touching scene silently, turning to leave. But before he could, he felt a hand grab onto his clothes. Spinning around he found little Antonio reaching up for him, a big smile decorating his face again. The smile that was so infectious, that Xibalba couldn't help but smile as well. Pulling the boy into his arms he heard the boy mumble,
"Goodbye mi amor." Xibalba felt his chest warm at the curious term of endearment, and how strange it sounded to hear it from a child when it was usually reserved for husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends. But it was a term of affection no less, and it still filled his heart. Giving him a little pat on the head he replied in just as quiet a voice,
"Goodbye Antonio."
And though Xibalba hadn't been able to spend the day with La Muerte like he wanted, he had in fact, still ended up spending a day with someone he loved. Sweet little Antonio.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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