Chapter 1

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Hi. My name is Emily Thomas, and on March 16, 1991 my entire life changed. My dad, Michael, was killed in a plane crash. He played guitar in famous country star Reba McEntire's band. We were so close. Since my mother left after right I was born, my dad taught me everything, but mostly about music. He taught me to read music, play guitar, and some singing now and then. He was on his way to Amarillo, Texas for another concert. It was the longest time we had been part. The concert in Amarillo was the last one for the tour, he would be home the next day. Sadly, the plane went straight into a mountain instead. All 10 people on board were killed. Now you would think that a child who's only family was killed would go to a orphanage right? Not this time. It was at the funeral when I had a conversation with Miss McEntire herself. "Oh Emily," a weeping Reba said "I'm so sorry this happened." "Me too" I said as we hugged. "I would like to ask you something," she said "and your answer will not hurt my feelings at all." I nodded. "Your father and I were very close friends, and he told me if something should happen to him, for me to look after you," she stalled "I would like to adopt you."

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