Chapter 5

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The next morning at breakfast, Reba told me I would have a private tutor just like Shelby. I nodded. As we sat in the little classroom in Reba's home, I tried to pay attention to the tutor but Shelby kept kicking me, or knocking my stuff onto the floor. Next we had a little break between subjects, so I decided to look around. I ended up in the recording studio. Yes, Narvel and Reba have one in their house. As I looked at all the instruments, I started thinking about my dad. I promised myself I won't because every time I do I start to cry. I heard a knock at the door, it was the tutor telling me it was time for History. I wiped my tears quickly and returned to the classroom. After finally finishing a very long day at school, Reba came in and said "Emily, would you like to come down to the studio with me to pick new band members?" I was torn, do I really want to pick another person to replace my dad in the band. I slowly shook my head no. "Ok that's fine, I'll be back in a little while" she said and waved goodbye. Narvel always went with her on these type of trips so it was just me and Shelby at the house. And of course he workers. I knew Shelby wouldn't have anyone to do with me so I just went to my room. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. A maid poked her head in and asked if she could change the sheets. I said "sure." As she got straight to work, I saw her name tag said "Victoria." "I like your name," I said and smiled. She looked up wondering if I was talking to her, she looked at her name tag and said "oh, thank you," she stalled "I like yours too, that's my sisters name." I smiled, I think I actually have a friend! Maybe I won't run away...

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