Chapter 6

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Reba and Narvel returned with no progress on finding a new band. Reba looked tired but she said "everyone get in here, I have an announcement," she waited for people to enter the room, "in honor of Emily joining our family, we are going to have a big party with all our friends and family!" No one really reacted. The workers are unhappy cause that means more work for them, Shelby isn't happy cause he hates me, and I'm unhappy cause there are gonna be a ton of people there I don't know. Everyone just kinda left the room in an uncomfortable silence. The evening of the party, I got a bath and dressed in nice clothing. Victoria, the maid I met, came in and helped me with my hair. "You seem nervous" she said. "I am" I said quickly. "Just be yourself, they are all old friends, they just want to get to know you" Victoria said. I nodded slowly "ok, thanks."

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