Chapter 8

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I slowly open my eyes and look around. The sun is coming through the curtains, making my room light up some. I get up out of bed and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see myself. My hair is a complete mess. I brush my teeth and brush my hair trying to look good. I go back to my room and look in the closet for an outfit for the day. I pick out a pair of my favorite faded jeans, a black tank-top and my fathers old jean jacket. This and his black beanie are the only things of his I have left. I change my clothes and put on some socks and my converse. I walk over to my dresser and put on my dads beanie. Then I head down the stairs to have breakfast with my family. I get to the kitchen and Reba is sitting at the table along with Shelby and Narvel. "Hi hon. Sleep good?" Narvel asks. "Yeah, thanks" I reply. Reba comes over with a bowl of oatmeal and sets it in front of me. She kisses my forehead and says "mornin sweetie." "Morning" I reply. They have on the news on the TV. It is some story happening in New York. I watch while I nibble on some oatmeal then all of a sudden a airplane hits a tower in the background. The camera man focuses the attention on the tower. I quit eating and drop my fork. Then while we are all watching in shock, another plane hits the other tower! Reba starts crying and all I hear are her sobs and the woman on the television. I don't blink not wanting to miss something. I can't breathe! This can't be happening! This is what happened to my dad all over again! I start breathing heavily and stop being able to focus. I feel hands feeling my forehead and patting my back. Then suddenly everything goes black.

I wake up and see Narvel and Reba staring at me looking confused. "Wha..what happened?" I ask. "You fainted back at the house" Narvel replys. I look around and see I'm in a hospital room. "I'll go get the doctor" Reba states. While she's gone I try to piece together what happened. We were watching the news when those planes went into those skyscrapers. Just then Reba reappears with the doctor. After the doctor does his thing he gives us the news. "Emily your going to be just fine. You just had some low blood sugar and some anxiety, which made you pass out" the doctor states. "Thank god!" Reba exclaims. "So we can go?" Narvel asks. "Sure, just let me get your paperwork signed then your free to go." the doctor says then leaves. "See Emily your fine, we can go home!" Reba says excitedly. "Great!" Shelby says "now I can live my life today. " "What life?" I question. Shelby shoots me a glare and Reba and Narvel parent us all the way home, but I'm just greatful to be free.

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