Chapter 4

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I lay on the bed for about five minutes when Reba knocks on the door. "Emily, can I come in?" She said. "Sure" I said between sobs. She came in and sat on the edge of the bed. "Shelby is downstairs ready to apologize" she said. I didn't look up. "It's just going to take some getting used to" she reassured. Reluctantly I followed her back downstairs. Shelby stood in the middle of the room with Narvel behind him. "Do you have something to say?" asked Narvel. Shelby did nothing. Narvel nudged his shoulder. "Sorry...." Shelby said. I nodded. "Ok I think it's best if we all get some sleep" Reba stated. After I took a bath and changed into my pajamas, Reba poked her head in my room to say she would be in in a minute to tuck me in. I nodded. After a few minutes I started to wonder where she was so I went to check. I looked in through the master bedroom doorway crack to see Reba and Narvel having one of those whisper yelling arguments. "She is the sweetest little girl, and after what happened I couldn't stand to let them send her to some orphange!" Reba spat. "That is not your decision to make! It is up to her father, and he did not leave a will so she automatically is to go to an orphanage!" Narvel stated. "Well I don't care! She is apart of our family now and that is the way it is gonna be!" Reba yelled back. I quickly ran back to my room and hid myself in the covers. Reba knocked softly asking if I was awake. I didn't reply. She whispered "goodnight" and went back to her room. Me coming here was a mistake. A big mistake, I am tearing their family apart. I need to run away. Yes.. I'm going to run away, when the time is right.

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