Chapter Three

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(Ten Years Later)

He pulled his green sleeves down over his wrists and flipped his hair out of his face.

He never really left his mind. All of these years, he always had space in there. He still missed Felix terribly.

When he was fourteen, Ryan was diagnosed with depression. He used to harm himself, but he hasn't in a while. He's isolated from everyone except his friend Russ. Russ always helped him no matter how many times Ryan pushed him away.

Ryan was the new kid in town. A couple months ago he moved to Florida and was instantly greeted by Russ. They clicked instantly. But now that he was settled it was time for him to start his senior year.

As soon as they walked in, the bell rang. Russ showed Ryan to his classes, than quickly headed to his own.

The days were a blur. Ryan made some new friends, ones he only talked to in that class. He only needed Russ.

"So you drove here all the way from Minnesota? Holy shit dude." Russ stated.

"They drive took forever. We couldn't fly because we didn't have enough to pay for us and our furniture."

"Oh, I see. How do you like it here so far?" he smiled at Ryan.

"It's okay. I talk to a few people right now so you're all I have."

"You'll get there." Russ said, dropping him off at his classroom. "I'll see you later."

Ryan walked into his history class and put in his earphones. He took out a pen and paper and began to doodle. He never paid attention but was somehow passing the class.

He got lost in his thoughts. Thoughts about Felix. Wondering how he's been, what he looks like now. All he could do was imagine.

The bell rang and he walked down to Russ's room to meet him. He was looking down at his feet when he bumped into someone. He didn't look back at them, not caring.

He met up with Russ and they walked down to the cafeteria together, talking about whatever. For once, Ryan was happy. It was nice to talk to someone like you've known them for years.


Felix was in ceramics, making a vase for his boyfriend Ken. It'll be their two year soon, so he wanted to give him something special. He wanted to fill the vase with twenty-four red roses, one for each month they've been together. 

He looked at the clock and noticed he had five minutes until the bell. He took out his plastic covering and covered the vase so it wouldn't dry out. He than went over to the sink and rinsed clay dust off of his hands.

Felix returned to his seat, still having time left. He look out his keys and studied a small stuffed duck hanging from it. He didn't know why, but he had a very strong connection to the little duck.

The bell woke him from his thoughts, and he put the key into his back and left to go meet up with Ken.

He found him in the cafeteria and smiled at him. Ken walked up to him and took his hand, kissing it. Felix blushed the smallest bit.

"Hey, Fe. How are you?" Ken asked him.

"I'm okay. I'm almost done with the thing in ceramics. I just have to bake it and than paint it."

"Will you tell me what it is?" Ken looked down at him.

"Nope!" Felix laughed, kissing his cheek.

"Oh c'mon. You're killing me here." He laughed along with Felix. Ken wrapped his arms around his waist and picked him up to his level. He quickly but gently kissed Felix, and set him back down.

"Ken, don't do that!" he said playfully hitting his chest in a fit of giggles.


The bell rang signalling that that period was over. Ryan was walking behind a couple in comfortable silence with Russ at his side.

The blond was short, just reaching around five feet tall. He was thin, but not too thin. He had blond hair that was flipped out of his face. He was holding hands with a guy that looked about a foot taller than him. He had brown hair and looked extremely athletic. He was pretty tan compared to his partner's pale composure. He was chatting away with his friends.

Ryan sneezed and the blond looked back and said "Bless you." with a smile and a Swedish accent.

Wait. Those eyes. That voice. That smile. It couldn't be...

It was Felix.


A/N My bit!

This chapter is longer than I thought it was.

Ah well.

Probably more of I've Been Waiting tomorrow.

I'm trying not to be lazy.

I'm sorry.


See you guys later. :]

Do You Remember? (PewdieCry / A collab with a friend) ((On Permanent Hiatus))Where stories live. Discover now