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It was about 10 o'clock California time, and I fell asleep

While I was sleeping I had a bad dream it was about Cameron. The dream was more like a nightmare.

I woke up and thought I saw Cameron by my window, I turned my lamp on I didn't see anything.

I guess I was still effected by the nightmare. I went back to sleep because in about 4 hours I would have to wake up and get ready for school.

My alarm went off and I got up and got ready for school.

I was looking forward to seeing Cameron.

I went to homeroom and I saw Micheal, Micheal was about six feet tall, he had dark brown hair, he was muscular (because he played football), and he had hazel eyes.

"Hi Maria" he said to me

"Hi" I replied

"Ummm... I know I don't know you that well but me and my friends are going out, and I was wondering if you would like to come" he asked me

"Uhhh... Yeah I guess" I replied

"Ok cool" he said back to me

Micheal seemed like the type of jock that thinks he is God's gift to all teenage girls, and doesn't care about anyone but himself.

The bell finally rang after 70 minutes of being in homeroom

My next period was Science.

I got to the classroom door, and there he was sitting on the table reading his book.

So I got to the desk and sat down

"Hi i'm Cameron" he said while studdering shyly

"Hi Cameron, I'm Maria" I replied to him

While Mr.Robinson was talking he asked me with a soft voice

"So where are you from?"

"Virginia" I replied 

The bell rang and I stood up, grabbed my books and left the classroom.

While I was half way down the hall Cameron came up to me and said with his shy voice

"Listen I am really sorry about the way I had acted yesterday"

"Oh it's cool" I replied

He left in silence 

He talked like such a grown-up, it literally killed me. I felt like a 2nd grader when I was talking to him.

Will update tomorrow :) xx Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy!

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