chapter 13

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I woke up, but I was in a differnt room. It was cold and had no windows. My head was throbing. Wait! Now I know ware I am!! Im

in some ones basment!! It smelled like mold and was really dusty. I herd people talking up stairs. I could just barley make out what the voices were saying, but I heard one of the people saying " How in the hell did the get our pictures!"   "I dont know!!" said another voice. "Well we half to do something with her or else they'll know it wad us who kidnapped her!" said a differnt person with worry in his voice. Wait does that mean that every one has noticed my abcence, and they might be able to find me!! I felt relieved that I might not have to stay in here much longer. Then the basement door opened. Some one started to come down the stares, they couldnt see me yet so I decided to hide behind the boiler next to me. But when I tried to move I realized that I was chained to a support post that was keeping the house up.   

---------------------------    sorry this chap is so short please bare with me! dont forget to comment and vote see ya next chap!

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