chapter 15

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When I moved away from his hand I could see the hurt in his eyes. But how else did he expect me to react? Did he expect me to jump in his arms and call him my hero? Well if

thought that then he must be crazy! I mean seriously he's hanging out with the people that kidnapped me!  "I-I I didnt know!" He said. I didnt say anything back. " I'll fix it!" he said and then flewbup the stairs in a hurry. Wait fix what. How could dhe fix this!


The noise made me jump. What the heck was that!! What ever it was it came from up stairs. Wait!! He said he would fix this but does that mean that noise had something to do with him? oh no! Oh please tell me im wrong!! I have to get out of this  stupid duct tape! Wait i still have my wrist bound to this dumb post! I turned around to see that I was only stuck there by one of those stupid twist tie things. Ha these idiots think im to weak to break them, well their wrong. I pulled my wrist trying to break free. Well I geusse I was wrong, I cant break them. I looked around im a panic to find something sharp. Yes! I found a shelf full of vases! I kicked the shelf  and two vases fell. I looked to see if I could get one of the pieces. I dragged a decent sized piece of glass so I could reach it with my hands. I cut the twist tie thing and jumped up! I walked up the stares regretting every step I took.


I opened the door and I couldnt believe what I saw.........

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