chapter 17

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I woke up and this time I was in the back seat of a car. I was a little dizzy and it felt like we were spinning in the car. I could tell we were moving because I could hear the engine rumbling. I tried to sit up but instead I just ended up looking like I was doing a sit up. When my head hit back down on what I thought was a seat I looked up at the roof of a car only to see a face lingering over mine. I jumped when I realized it was the brown haird boy. " I think she wants to sit up." he said

adding a laugh at the end. I didnt notice it before but apparently he was in the back with me this whole time and I had my head on his lap. I blushed at the thought. "well why don't  you help her sit up?" said the red head that was sitting in the passenger seat. I wonder if he is travis.  "don't sit her up cause then she will know were we are!" said the blond one with a bit of anger in his voice. I wonder why hes so angry?  "Calm down. And how could she know were we r when all you can see out the window is blackness and snow?" said the one with brown hair as he helped me get up into a sitting position. The blond one just sat there silent staring at the road that was lit with a dim light. I looked out the window. And wow! The brown haired one was right! All you could see was the snow flakes when they were hitting the window! It was silent and no one was talking. But that changed when the red head tried to whisper something to the blond but failed horribly and every one could hear him including me. :wear are we going to dump her?" he said. The blond one didnt say any thing back. The car stopped! The blond one was now faceing the red hed! He reached up his hand and slapped the red head! The red head grabbed his cheek on the spot where the blond one slapped him. Im really confused. "right here is good enough." saif the blond as he opened his door.

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