Chapter 15

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Liam lived in a run down apartment on the other side of town, sirens sounded every other moment, causing me to jump with anxiety.

The flashing red and blue moved fast down the torn up streets. People crowded the entrance of the building, all huddled together.

"It's not the best place," He whispered, his head hanging low. I lifted up his chin, making eye contact.

"It's perfect," Our lips locked. It was a sensation that was foreign to me, caring about someone so immensely. I thought I had been in love with Colt all these years, but I was wrong, the entire time I was wrong.

*Liam's POV*

The feelings I had towards Addie were unimaginable. As long as I had her, I don't think I could ever feel alone again. She was my sun, my moon, and my stars.

"Are you sure it's alr-" the sound of sirens cut off my sentence. It wasn't the best neighborhood, but it was safer than someplace Colt would be able to find her.

We walked inside, and I carried Addison up the few flights of stairs because of her aching limbs. I was going to find Colt, and beat the shit out of him as soon as possible.

When she's still asleep in the morning, I'll head over to their house to confront Colt, if he's even there. I don't know how it'll go, but if he says the wrong thing, I'll beat the ever living shit out of his sorry ass. He doesn't have any sort of right to hurt my baby.

"Liam, are you alright?"

"Yeah, fine. The apartment's right here." I responded, unlocking the old wooden door. It was small, old, a little dirty, but it'll keep her safe. I'll keep her safe.

*Addison's POV*

"Sorry it's not the best," Liam said putting down the keys.

I ran my fingers across the dusty shelves and tables throughout the small apartment, intrigued at the different genres and authors crowding the bookcases.

"It's perfect," I said under my breath, Liam laughed a bit, but I was serious. Behind a large curtain was a dim room.

I tossed my bag on the large bed and roamed around, looking through Liam's wardrobe and at all of the pictures hanging on the walls.

His room was cluttered, different objects covering each surface. I walked over to the wall covered with pictures. I traced the different shaped frames.

His family. Friends. Different memories covered this room, I longed to create some with him. I heard the cutain move and I jumped,

"Do you need anything?" Liam asked.

"N-no I was just looking around. I'm sorry." He walked over to me, wrapping strong arms around my waist.

"Don't worry, look around. Get used to it, Addie. Soak it all in," he chuckled.

"No-I shouldn't be snooping through everything. This isn't my stuff, it's yours, it's your home." I stopped and closed my eyes. I wasn't going to make myself too comfortable here, unsure on if I'd be staying too long, if he'd put up with me.

I pondered on how many girls had been here. Probably none, Liam had been so infatuated with me for years, since he first met me. I didn't know, though. So many girls might've been in the exact same place as me.

"Baby," he leaned in and whispered to me, sending chills down my spine as his lips brushed my ear.

"It's not home without you. Home is wherever I'm with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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