Chapter 1.... Where We Stand Now

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Noah's POV

She was beautiful in a stunning stand up notice I've entered the room sort of way. With raven red hair that flowed in perfect soft waves to the middle of her back. Flawless skin and bright emerald green eyes that gave way to a seeming innocence. Her plump lips undeniably kissable tinted deep red by lipstick. The beaded designer dress drawing attention to each accentuated petite curves leading to legs that seemed to go on for ever. Julie Myers having looked like she should be a Vitoria Secret model was easily the most beautiful women in the room tonight.

"So tell me Mr Hudson," Swirling her straw around the rim of her cup Julie's French tipped nails caught my attention. My thoughts swaying momentarily to how good her dainty hands would look wrapped around my dick. "Tell me what's a girl got to do to get you to notice her."

Normally under any other circumstance I cringed at being called Mr Hudson. That was my fathers name and we were nothing alike. But tonight.... tonight I liked the sultry sound of it rolling off her lips. "I think you probably have more than one mans attention tonight."

"Maybe." Sucking her bottom lip in slightly Julie slowly casted her eyes about the room. "What about you Noah. Your single... do I have your attention."

"Trust me," I laughed softly shaking my head. "I'm not the kind of man who's attention you want."

Julie's lips formed a sultry baby pout, her voice as sweet as sugar to my ears. "Any why is that? Are you the big bad wolf in disguise? Trust me I built my house out of reinforced brick not straw."

"That's good to know." I murmured looking down into her eyes admiring the golden flecks within them. "But I'm still not the man for you."

"I like you." Suggestively sliding her tongue along her bottom lip Julie smiled, "And I know you want me."

Groaning on the inside I wanted nothing more than to pick up the invitation that Julie was so boldly offering, only I knew better. For all the reasons I wanted to get drunk on her there was one sobering fact. When you peeled away the sophistication, dropped the flirtation and all the pretence Julie was pandering she was like many other women in New York City that I knew. Not simply looking for a significant other but husband hunting.

I had dated several Julie's in the past but had known them by different names. It always began the same, you dated for a bit but before long they start using labels like boyfriend. The next thing you know the occasional night at each other's house becomes a couple of nights if not more a week. Gradually and ever so slowly as if on a pre thought out time line women's products start to show up in your bathroom and you've cleared out a drawer for them. All of this I could accept but for a man who wants no deeper meaning assigned to the good thing he's got going this is where it all begins to roll down hill. The casual fling I was fond of was about to be shoved into a permanence I was not interested in.

Little hints begin to be dropped about how it would be easier if they had a key to my apartment. Before long it's not enough that we have met each other's friends because now they want to meet your parents. Even walking through a mall becomes a pitfall of glittery jewelry stores with rings that seem to call their name. Of course you can only avoid and side step these conversations for so long before the greater issue at hand is pushed forward and tabled.

There comes a time when questions begin to be tossed about... Where do you see this going? Before long expectations are levelled... I want to get married, have a family some day. Then comes the nail in the coffin.... Don't you love me? And just like that the good thing we had going is over.

Proposition  (AlwaysLoveMe2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें