Chapter 2.... In The Mean Time

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Shelby POV

"I picked up an extra shift," I mumbled into my coffee mug taking a deep gulp of what felt like life saving liquid at the moment. I had been working such a mixture of odd shits my body no longer knew if it was coming or going. But when you need money to make ends meet you got to do what ever it takes. "It's a split shift but at least it's money."

"Okay." There was a long pause as Mike sifted through the things on the counter and pulled everything from his pockets for a second time. "So what time are you going to be home?"

"Not until after closing." I sighed not looking forward to the long day that laid ahead of me. "My shift is 3 to 7 and Aimee shift was 9 to 1. Since it's Friday it will be supper busy so I'm not sure exactly when I'll get out. At least tips will be good."

"You know I don't like you taking the bus at night." As Mikes search grew more frantic it was clear he was hearing me but not listening to what I was saying.

The last bus left terminal at midnight and there was no way I could catch the subway in time to catch the last connecting bus. Besides I had a personal rule of not being in the downtown core that late at night anyways.

"I'll catch a cab home." Heading towards the doorway I snagged his keys from the ugly as all sin key holder his mother had got us as a house warming gift. Jingling his keys before I tossed them to him I smirked, "Looking for these."

Catching the keys in his hand Mikes attention finally returned to me as he slung his work bag over his shoulder. Closing the distance between us Mike wrapped his arms around my waist lowering his lips to mine in a gentle kiss.

"Another night shift." Kissing me again Mikes lips lingered against mine. "I was hoping you would be home when I got back tonight. Maybe you should tell your boss that you can't do it."

"We were late on the mortgage payment last month. There's no savings and the banks not going to have anymore forgiveness." I felt shitty for bring up money again, our most sensitive constant argument for several months. "That and property taxis is past due and we haven't paid the power bill yet."

I regretted my words the moment I had said them as Mikes smile fell and his body posture tightened. It was and it wasn't Mikes fault we had found ourselves in this financial predicament. The roofing company Mike was working for wasn't winning any bids and as a result Mike had been doing a lot more sitting that working. It didn't take long to spend through our savings since we were depending on my wages and tips alone as our only source of income.

I had once and once only suggested that Mike needed to find a new company to work for. One of the many companies working on a regular bases and not just a house here or there. We were struggling and on the verge of loosing everything we had worked so hard for.

It was as if I had pushed Mikes freak out button and the fight of our relationship began. With the name calling it didn't take time for the fight to down grade into finger pointing and blaming. Before long Mike was accusing me of being a gold digging bitch, his words exactly, when he making money. I was no better as I declared Mike to be a lazy asshole who was content to sit on his ass while his girlfriend pays for everything. We didn't speak or sleep in the same bed for a week following. Needless to say I never mention Mike changing companies again.

Placing my hand on Mikes chest I stared at my grandmothers ring I was seriously thinking of hawking in order to ensure we made ends meet. It was a family heirloom and the only thing I had left of her but I was running out of options. Still I was willing to work like a rented mule before I became that desperate.

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