Chapter 4.... Hidding In Truth

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Shelby Pov

Exhausted I laid still for a moment, wishing I was still dreaming instead of waking up. With a sigh I glanced towards the alarm clock only to bolted straight up in bed.

"Mike wake ...." I began in a panic, realizing we had overslept the alarm. Only when I reached for Mike his side of the bed was empty.

I sat there for a moment, half asleep half awake, trying to get my brain to wake up. It was then that I noticed my favourite coffee mug along with a note was placed on my dresser.

Hope you slept in some. Breakfast is waiting for you downstairs. Love you, Mike.

Gestures of romance was something that Mike normally never did.  The simple fact was there truly wasn't a romantic bone in his body. If I wanted some romance I usually initiated it either by overly obvious hints or flat out telling him. It wasn't a big deal or anything, it was just the way Mike was.

That's why I was so surprised when a week later I came home to supper being cooked. He had even gone so far as to set the table for two with a bottle of wine. Later in the month when Mike suggested a candle lit bath together I was rendered nearly speechless. Today tho, when he came home with a dozen red roses, I had nothing but silent questions.

Dropping his work gear and phone onthe counter Mike scooped me in his arms. Handing the roses over with a long drawn out kiss. "I was thinking we should go to the movie tonight. I'm sure there is some chick flick you want to see."

"You want to see a chick flick?" I laughed, dismissing his comment as a joke. "Voluntarily?"

"No not really but I want to get laid tonight." Slapping me on the ass, smiling as he walked by. This was the crashness of the Mike I knew. "I'll just jump in the shower and we'll go."

I didn't say anything as Mike left the room. Instead I stared down at the roses rubbing my thumb softly back and forth on the soft pedal. Mike had never bought me flowers except on our anniversary. His reason being that they always died, a waste of money.

So why now, for no reason at all, would he bring me flowers. I felt guilty at my reaction but this was wired. Glancing down the hallway to make sure Mike had indeed gone upstairs I put the flowers down and grabbed my phone.

Opening it I checked our bank app.... nope the balance was at the same pitiful amount.... the visa was as high as ever but there was no extra charges.

Pulling his work agenda from his bag I fully expected it to be empty but it wasn't. It was the exact opposite as more work had been scheduled well into the next month.

Digging through the pockets in his bag I hoped to find a bag of weed. Not that I cared if he started smoking again but I came up empty.

Looking at his phone I decided I was already snooping through his shit so why stop now. After all it was how I found out last time. Pushing the home button I took one last look down the hallway. As much as I knew what I was doing was wrong I had to know if there was another woman lurking just behind the screen.

"Nice flowers," Rory's voice broke through the silence of my thoughts. "Got a secret admirer?"

I jumped slightly at being caught dropping the phone back onto the counter. Looking up Rory's eyes met mine with a great deal of scepticism. I'm sure I had the same look written all over my face.

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